~Chapter 5~

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"I'm running dangerously low on money. Not that it would matter, but I still like it." I looked through my wallet.

"Uma, your mother is a horrible pay." Sabrina held up ten dollars.

She got that in a day.

"Maybe you'd get more tips if you stopped messing up orders." Harry banged the table, and turned around to look at her.

All he earned was a glare from her, which Harry just shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm going to Curl Up and Dye, Dizzy is too easy to take from." I smirked, and turned around.

Before I walked out, Sabrina grabbed my arm, and pushed me to a stool.

"No. I'll go. You can't go stealing things all the time." Sabrina smirked,

"I'll go with."

"Woah, woah, woah! When did you two start getting along?" Uma rose an eyebrow.

"We're more allies than anything." I shrugged, and Sabrina nodded.

"I'll go." Harry stood up.

"What do I get to do?"

"Stay here and serve tables with me." Uma mumbled, resting her head on her hand, which her elbow was on the counter.

"Of course." I said under my breath, before hopping off the stool, and walked over to a table.

"Hey, we don't welcome you here at Ursula's Fish and Chips, what do you want?" I asked with a monotone voice. She answered, but I didn't listen. "Meh." I walked to the back. "Fries!" I yelled to Ursula.

I gave the tray to the woman, and sat back down, next to Uma.

"I hate this place." She rolled her eyes.

"Tell me about it."

"We're treated like nobodies."

"We're anything but."

"Yeah, people used to fear at the mention of our names. Have we gone soft?"


"You're right. We're the worst of the worst."

"Worse than the worst."

"I want that wand. I want the world."

"We better keep dreaming, because we've been forgotten. It's not like Mal's gonna come and say 'I'm back, and I'm ready to give you the wand', and like beasty boy would actually cross the border. He would loose a fight to an ally cat. Even the weak ones. He'd be spotted easily, too."

"I guess we better keep waiting."

"That's all we ever do."

"You're not wrong."

"I'm sick of waiting!" I banged the table, and stood up, and turned around to come face-to-face with Harry.

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