~Chapter 19~

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"You're a lot happier than you were." Uma smirked, as I put eyeliner on. "In fact: you're actually putting on makeup."

I rolled my eyes, "girl, I don't need a mans to make me happy. Well, I'd be a lot happier if Harry was still with me. . .but we can't always get our way. As much as I always get my way. . .seriously, why don't I go talk to him?" Uma grabbed my arm before I could say it.

"No! No, you don't! You do not go to him, the guy goes to the girl."

"Who made up that rule?" I cringed at the idea, "never mind that, it's still a dumb rule. We need some girl power, like in a princess movie or something."

"Well, Lil, this isn't a movie, this is reality. Sooner or later, you have to face reality."

"I've dealt with reality my entire life! My dad never came to Isle when he should've, I don't even know who my mother is, because as far as I know she's dead. Because I killed her! I killed my mother by being born! And the woman who raised me was such a bitch, she made me find my own food! Do you know how many times slaps, kicks, and even worse stuff was done to me? No! I was a thief master by the time I was five. Five! I started killing people before I reached the double digits in age. But then, my life finally stared to look up. I met Evie. Her mom took me in as her own. Of course, I moved out over seven months ago. And you know what happens next? 'Lilith, I am so sorry I'm leaving you, I promise once we get that wand, you rule Auradon right next to me, I promise.' to find out, a few days later, she acts all good and forgets I exist! My best friend, forgets me. And then I found you. You took me in, and once I was apart of your crew, you forgot me. Hardly paid me any attention. Hell, Gil came in a few months after me, and you paid attention to him more. Harry was the only one who actually talked to me, he's the reason I became co-captain. He even picked out my tricorn hat for me. Uma, and that day he kissed me, oh, that was the best kiss I ever had. I never felt so happy. And when he asked to be my boyfriend, that was the happiest I ever been. A month an a half later, he breaks up with me. After through all the hell I've ever gone through in my entire life, that was the most depressed I've ever been. Ever. That's reality for you. Or is it some sappy-sabby fairy tale from a book, huh?" I grabbed my phone, and walked out of the room.

Uma was my second best friend, of course I'm still mad at her for saying that, but I'll forgive her after school. I already know it.

Because I always do.


Throughout my classes, my mood got more positive, and all my anger and depression seemed to slip right out of me.

I mean, I was still slightly depressed about Harry.

Just imagining the first guy you loved, you had true feelings for, break up with you. It hurts like a pain you can't imagine.

It hurts even worse than period cramps.

The pain is so great, it consumes you whole. The only reason it wouldn't hurt is if you were the one to break with them.

Then you have all these questions swirl in your mind.

What if Harry wants me back?

What would I say?

Would I say yes because I'm still in love with him?

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