~Chapter 8~

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We were ready. Uma has Ben in a spell. We were perfect. I looked to my right to see Sabrina sitting, she looks like she's thinking about something.

"Watcha thinking about?"

"Okay, if I tell you, you have to think about I honestly." I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Don't you ever wonder what it's like to be in Auradon? Not causing mischief, not yelling at people, not getting snobby looks, not stealing, getting good food? Being good?" She looked at me, and I bent down.

I smiled, "of course," I stopped, and then a frown was placed upon my face; I slapped her across the face. "Not! Sabrina, daughter of Morgana, snap out of it! It's all of these good vibes, they're getting to you. You're a rotten apple, and you'll never change into a ripe apple. Okay? We're rotten to the core. C'mon, Sabby, don't be Sabby. We gotta get you back to the Isle. Now," I grabbed her face with my hands, "what are we?"



"The core." She whispered, and a smirked replaced her frown. "I needed that, I could never be good, God, what is wrong with me? Maybe I should go steal from babies or something."

"We will, we will."

"King Benjamin!" Uma ran over to us, and grabbed my hand.

"It's time, lets go!"

"Uh, I wish I had time to explain." I heard his voice, and the three of us appeared.

Me and Sabrina grabbed each other's hand, and walked down, giggling. We put on an 'Auradon' act, because if we didn't, we'd be caught.

Ben grabbed Uma's hand, and laid a kiss on the black leather. There was his ring, which he had given to Uma moments before.

"Mal. . ." Evie whispered, and looked over to me.

I waved, and smiled, and Evie waved back awkwardly.

"Sorry, it all happened so fast. It happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma, a connection." I looked at Mal to see her face full of hurt.

I faked a pout, but I was laughing on the inside at her pain.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked,

"I'm saying-"

"- It was love!" Uma faked a smile, "it was. I realized how alike Ben and I are, ya know?"

"Ben," Ben and Uma were laughing with each other, "Ben, did you go back for them?" Mal gasped,

I walked towards Mal, Sabrina beside me.

"He didn't have to." I said,

"We dove through the barrier before it closed." Sabrina added,

"We're excellent swimmers." Uma finished,

"You are." Ben smiled,

"Thank you," Uma laughed again, "listen, Mal," she grabbed Mal's hands, and Mal gasped. "I just really want to thank you, I do, for everything. Thank you so much." Uma hugged Mal, how whimpered at the gesture.

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