~Chapter 1~

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I walked into Ursula's Fish and Chips, which is where I'm a waitress because Uma's not allowed visitors.

Six months since the original villain kids left.

Six months since my best friend left me to rot.

They forgot about me. I hope Dad gives them Hell. Literally.

"Hey, Lil, check this out." Uma nodded towards the television.

There stood Mal, with blond hair.

"What is this?" I sat beside her, and laid my head on her shoulder, and glared at the VK. "We shouldn't be getting her leftovers."

Me and Uma wrapped our arms around Harry and Gil.

"Son of Hook. Son of Gaston. And us, most of all, daughter of Ursula and Hades!" Uma wrapped an arm around me.

I looked at Harry.

"What's my name?" I asked, and he took his hat off.

"Lilith!" He bowed down, and kissed my hand.

"What's my name?" Uma turned over to Gil.

"Hm. Uma?" Gil, what a disappointment.


(L= Lilith U=Uma B=Both A=All H=Harry)

"What's our name, what's our name?" Me and Uma yelled.

"Luma!" They yelled our (friend)ship name.

"This is all hands on deck." Uma put her hands on the table.

"Callin' out to lost boys and girls, I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect." I said, as we ran around.

"We won't stop 'till we rule the world." Me and Uma ran around.

"It's our time we up next!" B

"Next!" A

"Our sail's about to be set!" B

"Set!" A

"They ain't seen nothin' yet!" B

"Tell 'em who's in charge so they don't forget." U, L and H.

Harry looked into my eyes.

"What's our name?" U

"What's our name?" L

"Luma!" A

"Say it louder! What's our name? What's our name?" L

"Luma!" A

"Feel the power!" U

"No one's gonna stop us, soon the world will be ours!" They lifted us onto the counter.

"What's our name? What's our name? What's it? What's it? Say it loud!" B

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