~Chapter 18~

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I wiped my eyes.

Sure, he wasn't as good-looking as Harry was, but, damn, he was attractive.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day. See, I have a hangover, and my friend is late—"


"Speak of my father;" I paused, as Evie came into the picture. "Here she is." I looked towards Evie.

"Hey, Maddox, nice seeing you again."

"As to you, Evie." He had an Australian accent, "who's your friend I bumped into? Sorry about that, too, darling."

I shivered at the nickname.

"Uh, I'm Lilith. And as you can tell by this," my hair turned into fire for a second, "I'm the daughter of Hades. I got here like a month and a half ago."

"I see you around school. You're always hanging out with Harry Hook." How does he know all my friends?

"Uh, yeah, that's my boyfriend." I looked at the ground. I quickly remembered he broke up with me two days ago. "Ex-boyfriend."

Evie quickly hugged me, and smirked, "well, I have to get to the gym to help Jane set up Homecoming, I'll see you later!" She winked at me.

I knew why she did this. She did this to help me get over Harry. And I don't want a new boyfriend this fresh of a breakup. In fact: I didn't really wanna spend that much time with the male population.

"Uh, anyways, what's your name?" I asked,

"I'm Maddox Hatter. As you can tell, I'm the son of the Mad Hatter. Don't worry, I'm not as mad as my father, I'm more like my mum, Alice." Then why is his hair brown?

"Did you dye your hair?"

"The blonde's not showing, is it? Damnit, I paid that girl permanent brown." He glared at the lockers.

"No, no, it's just that I thought you'd have blonde or red hair, never mind." I giggled,

"Anyways, we better get to class before we get detention, darling. What class do you have?"

"Magic Class." I shrugged,

"Cool, I have that class," he paused, "seriously, how have we never met?"

"I don't know, I don't really pay attention in Magic Class because I already know all the spells."

"I'll walk you to class?"

"We're going to the same class," I laughed, "Everyone I know knows both their parents. My mother died when I was born. I think."

"Well, if you wanna track her down if she's alive, I'll be here to do it with you."

"Thanks, Maddox!" I smiled, "wow, I've never been this open with an Auradon kid. Not even Ben. Well, I did almost kill him. . .never mind that."

The bell rung.

"Shit, that's the late bell, let's go, darling."

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