~Chapter 7~

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"Why don't you give it a test drive." Uma wrapped an arm around me, and Mal looked nervous.

"You both were always quite the drama queens." I rolled my eyes, and flipped her off.

"Nothing to big, or Ben is fish bait." Sabrina smirked, and the crew laughed, as Harry held Ben over the plank.

Carlos and Evie whispered to each other, and Mal turned around. Carlos motioned to the dog, and I furrowed my eyebrows, and I laid my head on Uma.

"Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." She pointed to the dog, and I gave her an unamused expression. "Talk, dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat?" I started to laugh, with everyone else. "Can I have some bacon? Cookies?"

"Give me the wand!" I commanded,

"Give me Ben!"

I motioned Harry over. "Harry, bring him over."

The crew surrounded him with swords, and laughed. I smirked, and watched as the Scottish pirate brought over the King.

Ben was pushed beside me, onto his knees.

I held out my hand, as did Mal.

"Cut him loose, Harry." Uma smirked,

"We never get to have any fun." Harry did as told.

Mal grabbed Ben's hand, and she gave me the wand.

"Ben, go!" Mal pushed Ben away.

"Yeah!" Sabrina joined us, as I pointed the wand to the sky.

"Okay, okay, by the power of the seas, tear it down and set us free!" When nothing happened from the spell I said, I got pissed. "No!" I snapped it in half, and threw it to the ground.

"You do not get to win every time!" Uma yelled, "get them!" We yelled, and smoke bombs surrounded the ship.

I pulled my sword out of my sheath, and ran towards them. I saw Evie take the scarf of one of my pirates, and I ran to her.

"Well, well, well, hello, Evie." I smirked, and walked towards her.

"Lilith. I never knew you were a pirate."

"You know, once your friends leave you, you find new friends. And a new boyfriend!" I yelled to Carlos, and I swung my sword at Evie, which she blocked.

I swung again, and she was knocked back. I pushed her to a wooden beam, and got really close to her.

"Lilith. . .I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, due your hair, that's my color. And, beautiful scarf, it's once again mine." I took it off her, and she spun around.

She tripped, and I hit her hand.


"I'm sorry!" I pouted sarcastically, and kicked her.

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