~Chapter 9~

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We made it to the barrier. I banged my head on it. We couldn't get it, I didn't have that kind of power. But I know who does. I twisted my bracelet.

"Please, Father, please take down the barrier. Take down the barrier for a few seconds so we can be with our family." I whispered, and I felt darkness.

We swam into the Isle, and it closed up. I grabbed my bracelet again. I can't communicate with my dad unless Ben decides to take me out of the Isle.

Not unless Uma, Gil and Harry can come with me.

We made it to land, and Uma turned into her normal self. My feet dragged on the stones, as we walked up and up until we made it to the Chip Shoppe.

My hair drenched in water, out of the braid I had it in. It stuck to my face, just like the dress did. Makeup ran down my face, the red lipstick smeared all over my face. Me limping because my feet hurting from the high heels.

We walked in the Chip Shoppe, and Uma walked to the counter. I tripped, and closed my eyes, expected to make contact with the ground.

But I didn't.

I opened my eyes, and felt arms around my waist. I was pulled up straight, and I turned around to see Harry.

"Harry?" My voice raspy and scratchy from the water in my lungs.

"Lilith? Luv? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, it is. I got back. I'm sorry, we didn't get the wand. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry." My knees gave out.

"Whoa." He picked my up bridal style, "don't loose your old self."

I looked into his blue eyes. I don't know what it was about him. I wish I knew what love was so I could say it.

"What's love?" I asked, and his smile dropped.


"Yeah, what is it?"

"I don't know, lass. I really don't. I'm not sure what to call this." I sighed, a tear came to my eye, but I ignored it.

See, we don't experience love on the Isle. Not even from our parents.

"That's what I thought." I hopped down from his arms, and started to walk away.

I felt a tug on my arm, and I was pulled around into his arms. He kissed me on the lips, and it was slow, sweet and passionate. Never like a kiss I ever had.

Me and Carlos never had a kiss like that, either, though ours weren't ever slow, it was always fast and lust filled. I smiled in the kiss, and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Of course I love you, this feeling in me, the feeling I can't control, the feeling telling me never to let you go, hold you forever, that's love. That's the feeling I've never felt with any other girl. You're the one person who makes me generally happy."

"I love you, too, Harry."


"Lilith, daughter of Hades? Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook?" I heard a faint voice, and knock.

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