~Chapter 16~

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It's really hard to hold a fake face when you're breaking from the inside-out. Especially when the breakup is still fresh. It hasn't even been twenty four hours, and I already feel alone.

I didn't have Uma last night, and I really needed her shoulder to cry on.

She was with Bas again, her 'guy friend', as well as Doug's cousin.

(Who wants to guess who Bas is the defendant of? ps he's played by Ross Lynch, I own him).

I cried last night, and I didn't stop crying. My eyes are so red you can't even see the white sclera in my eyes. No one knows how depressed I really am, not even Evie.

I never noticed how much guys kept looking at me like I was a slice of cake. Why haven't I noticed this before?

Oh. It was because I was too distracted by having my eyes closed because Harry would usually say something funny to cheer me up in the morning.

And now he's not here to do it.

Why did we break up? We were fine!

Yeah, we're both two broken pieces and we had our own personal problems, but not every relationship is perfect.

All I wanted was to be in his arms again. That's what I've wanted months before we went out, and then I had it. I guess I didn't acknowledge it enough, and care enough to hold on to the little moments like that.

I still have pictures of me and him all over my side of the room. And I don't think I could ever take it down.

I don't want to.

I still wore the necklace he stole for me back on the Isle, I wore one of his old shirts.

I have like an entire draw full of his clothes because he used to spend a lot of nights in my room. Usually when Uma was with Bas, which is every other night.


But, I guess that's over.

We're over.

And I kept my fake smile on for as long as I could throughout the day. It was hard, but I did it. Uma bought it, Sabrina bought it.

There's only one person who isn't going to buy it.

"Who the hell do I need to punch?"

Speak of my father, here she is.

"No one, Evie, I'm fine."

"Your voice cracked, and I know what that means. I'm so sorry you guys broke up. You guys were perfect for each other."

"I guess two broken people can't fix their pieces together, even though we've been doing it for two months." I shrugged, as Evie wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so bunking with you tonight, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, what's the point? They're going to find out when Harry stops hanging out with me and hangs out with other girls. Evie, I can't anymore! I want him back so bad, and I can't! I'm breaking, my already broken heart shattering into pieces that are too sharp to pick up. I don't know what to do anymore! What do I do?" I sobbed into her shoulder, and she shushed me.

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