~Chapter 14~

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WE NEED SOME DRAMA!!!!! ps don't play song until I say.

"Hey." Sabrina came up to me and Evie, But I turned around to walk away. "And, we're still on square one."

"We're not, I'm just not happy." I crossed my arms.

"She got detention for causing a fire in Magic Class." I huffed at Evie, and walked away.

"There's the girl who got a detention in Magic Class!" Everyone laughed and pointed at me, and Evie rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off!" I yelled, and shot fire at their feet.

"Lilith, detention for the rest of the month!" Fairy Godmother yelled at me, and I groaned in annoyance.

"'Detention the rest of the month' whatever." I started walking to the gym where Harry would be trying out for sword fighting. "Shoot, I'm late." I jogged to the gym, and saw very few people dueling.

I hope he's not pissed I'm late, but it wasn't my fault for Fairy Godmother yelling at me for nearly burning up the class.

What? I've only been there three weeks.

Jay surrendered to Harry, and I silently clapped for him. Harry and Jay shook hands, and I was about to go down there to tell Harry congratulations, but a girl came up to him instead.

I transferred myself down there, but in the shadows so they couldn't see me.

"Hey, good job out there, Harry."

"Do I know you?"

"We have Calculus together, I'm Piper Pan." Of course she is, what a slut. "Anyways, I just wanted to say congrats on making the team." She giggled, and I was so close to marching over there and beating her head in.


"Do you have a girlfriend?" I was fuming, actual steam was coming out of my ears.

"Uh. . .yeah?" He paused, "you do realize she's going to kill you if she comes in here."

"If? Who says she has to find out?"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I find you attractive and I think I love you." She grabbed his neck, and pulled him down.

And. He. Stood. There.

"You Neverland bitch!" I grabbed her brown hair, and threw her onto the floor.

Her face made contact with the floor, and she cried out.

"Who are—"

"I'm his girlfriend, and I know everything so don't play innocent with me you Lost Boy freak!" I stepped on her back, and she cried in agony. "Leave my boyfriend alone! Has anyone ever told you to stay away from things that aren't yours?"

"Was he yours if he wanted me so bad?" I picked her up, and pinned her to a wall with my hand around her neck.

I was so pissed that I used my strength to pull her off of the ground and into the air.

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