~~Chapter 3~~

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I put two ~~ because of when you see it; you know it's a flashback chap

FLASHBACK -- normal font though


I walked into Ursula's Fish and Chips, and sat at a random table, which of course had people in it. I glared at them, and they soon got up, took their stuff and left.

Soon, Harry sat down beside me, and smirked.

"Why are you by yourself, when you can sit over there with the two of us?" Harry asked me.

"I might be apart of the crew and stuff, but I hardly know Uma. The last conversation I had with Uma was a week ago. And that was for me to get a job."

"Then, come on up and talk with us, and you'll find yourself enjoying this crew more. C'mon." He grabbed my hand (which felt warm), and grabbed me, and dragged me to the front.

Me and Harry got along the best, I don't know why, he was the only one who actually stood out to me. Well, except Uma, she's pretty rotten, and I guess we get along.

But not like me and Harry.

We get along, that someone could mistake us for being together.

And us being together. . .actually doesn't sound half bad.

Stop! I can't think like that. I don't need to be catching feelings to him, or anyone in general. Hadie talked to me about this, about guys. How they're douchebags, especially if they're villains, like him and Harry.

And everyone on the Isle of the Lost. This place was created for villains. Once your in, you can't get out, unless you're Fairy Godmother with the wand. And once I have that wand, I'll take down the barrier, and make Hell upon Auradon.

But before I do all that, I'd see my dad. Because I've never actually met him, and my mother died giving birth to me. All I know is that she was a villain, or something.

And I found out I was a Goddess when I turned sixteen. And I raised myself since age seven. Who raised me? Some woman who's dead right now. Who then took me in? No one. That is, until I turned fourteen when I met Evie, and the Evil Queen took me in as one of her own.

I moved out a few weeks before Evie left. I didn't like being in a house with so many people, it made me act all. . .weird. So, after I moved out, I moved in with Hadie, when I found out he's my brother.

He pays me no attention whatsoever, though. He's off doing his 'Anti-Villains' club, or whatever he created. Evie was in it, she drug me there once. Boring. I left after the first five minutes, dragging Evie with me.

Then we caused mischief, and flirted with unwanted guys. Yeah, we were both a bunch of flirts. We tricked them into getting what we wanted. Jewels. Of course, Evie being Evie, got the mirrors.

I remember this memory because it's the most fun I've ever had. My favorite experience with Evie. But then she turned good. And now I can't stand the memory, and it's not fair.

"Ah, finally. Let's get this party started."

(see what I did there?)

Uma clapped her hands together, and smiled.

"She feels left out, so here she is." Harry said, as we sat on a stool.

"You wouldn't be left out if you came over here and spoke to us. So, how you liking being apart of Uma's Pirate Crew?" She smirked, and bit into a fry.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't done anything that a pirate does. Hell, this is the only place we've ever hung out." I shrugged, and Uma rose her eyebrows.

"Well, c'mon, you haven't seen the ship? Harry! Why didn't you show her the ship?"

"Because it's not my job!"

"You're the one--"

"Shut up! God, so vexing." I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh, someone had some rotten fish for breakfast." Uma rose her eyebrows, then winked. "Good. That's a step to becoming closer to being a pirate. Now, let's go." She grabbed my arm, which I pulled away.

"Don't pull me around like I'm an object."

"Nasty. I like you. Seriously, why haven't we hung out more?"

"Because I don't like talking to people. Well, new people. My former best friend acted all evil and wicked, we used to have so much fun. Now she's in Auradon, being. . .ick. . .good." I cringed at the last part.

"Mal always has her way. She always shows me up. Now she's away with-- With-- With--!"

"Benny Boo?" I laughed at the horrible name.

"Yeah, Benjamin. He makes me pissed off. He pissed me off so much when he didn't chose me. That's the most mad I've ever been."

"So was I, I screamed and got frustrated. That was the maddest I've ever been. And I've been plenty mad." She smiled at my comment.

See what I did there?

"That's how I feel!"

"Okay, we're here!" Harry yelled, as I looked in front of me to see a ship.

Pretty big, and messy, but the Isle isn't exactly a proper place.

It's an Island full of Villains and their kids, of course there's going to be apple cores, banana peels everywhere you turn. And a whole lot (and I mean a ton) of ally cats. I at least see five ally cats a week.

And they're all in the shadows when I lure people into ally ways.

"Cool ship. Uma's Pirate Crew. I think I like Luma's Pirate crew better." I smirked,

"Why? Who's trying to take my place?"

"No one. I like Luma because the L is for Lilith and the Uma, well, is your name."

"Ah. Luma. That sounds interesting. But it's my crew."

"I'm co-captain. Luma." I smirked,

"That sounds better than Uma." Harry chuckled, and Uma hit his chest.

"Luma. I like. Welcome to the crew, co-captain."

"Welcome aboard, Captain." Harry grabbed my hand, and brought it up to his lips, and kissed my hand.

It felt warm.

"Welcome aboard, me."

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