~Chapter 12~

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Goodness Class, Goodness Class, Goodness Class.

The class I was the worst at, and I hated that class. I'm not sure Fairy Godmother likes me, maybe it's because I tried to steal her wand, but, c'mon, she likes Sabrina and she tried to steal it right from her bare hands!

I told Mal this, and she just said to pick the answers that sounds less fun.

"When you see someone steal candy from a baby, do you A: Take the candy back and give it back to the baby, B: Take the candy and eat it, or C: Leave them alone." Fairy Godmother smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

The one that sounds less fun. . .

"A!" I yelled, and Fairy Godmother pointed her wand at me.

"Very good, Lilith, put please, for the last time; raise your hand!" I get the answer right for the first time, and I get yelled at for it.

"How'd you know that?" Uma asked,

"Picked the lamest answer." I shrugged, then put my head on the table.

I felt my eyes droop, and soon, darkness surrounded me.


I felt a nudge at my arm, and I rose my head.

"I love you Zeus, amen." I touched my forehead, then my chest, then the left side of my chest, then the right.

That's what I always did when someone woke me up in class, pretend to pray to my great uncle.

"Class is over, were suppose to be going to our dorm." Uma whispered in my ear.

"Thank Zeus." I mumbled, and stood up.

We walked out of the classroom, and down the hall.

I saw a group of people in the field crowd around something, or someone. There was laughter. They must be bullying or whatever.

"What in Neptune's name. . ." Uma said, and we started walking over to the field.

"Wanna join in and see how mean they actually are?" I smirked, as we went closer to the group.

"Hell yeah." She also smirked.

We came closer to the group, and I heard a girl yell.

"Sea witch? More like sea bitch!" I was gonna laugh, and so was Uma. . .but sea bitch?

I've heard that before. In fact, I was the one who started calling Sabrina 'Sea Bitch'. And no one is allowed to call my cousin that.

I moved the people out of the way to see some girl in a pink dress, with long brown hair. I think she's Audrey, Mal talked about her.

"Let's go." Uma grabbed my arm, but I pulled away.

"No. Wait." I saw Sabrina there, just taking it. Why? Why isn't she yelling or screaming at them? Has the Isle taught her anything? "Hey! Leave my cousin alone, you Bore-adon freaks! You think you're so big and bad by making fun of a villain kid, right?" My hair burned on my head, showing how furious I really was.

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