~Chapter 17~

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Later that night, I found myself at that stupid restaurant Sabrina's dad owns. Well, my dad's job is being a god, and making bad peoples' lives miserable. . .I don't think I should talk about Sabrina's dad.

"That's my girlfriend!" Carlos yelled, as Sabrina finished a song.

"Seriously. . .?" She kissed his lips, and I looked at Harry.

He was sitting at a different table, with Gil and some guys. He looked like he was having a blast, and I hated it.

Why does he get to have fun about this situation?

"That was amazing!" Jay said,

Whatever. I stood up, and walked to the bathroom. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time.

And if he knew what I am gonna do, good. He better know he did this to me.

I know it's for the best, but it isn't.

I wasn't ready for the biggest relationship in my life to go away.

I heard the door open.

"What happened?" It was the voice of Sabrina.

Why bother lying?

"Harry broke up with me." Tears fell down my face, but I didn't care.

"That bastard!" She tried to rub out, but I grabbed her arm.

"No. He said it was for the best. I love him too much to change his mind."

"It was that Piper Pan bitch, wasn't it?! Oh, when I get my hands on her, I'm gonna—" I cut her off.

"— It's not her. He doesn't want to stay in Auradon, but I do. He said this was a mistake." She took the tissue from my hand, and threw it away.

I was trying to fix myself?

"Look! You do not get to mope around and wish your life was different. Harry didn't make you! You did, so grow the fuck up and be the kickass woman you are! You're Lilith, the Goddess of Darkness, damn it! Act like one!"

I protested at this, as my face was still red.

"Get the hell off of me! Sabrina, I still don't necessarily like you. Let me fix myself, and don't talk to me like that."

I grabbed my makeup bag, and put on the eyeliner to fix my face up. The red wasn't visible anymore, so I sighed, and walked out the door.

"Who else wants Sabrina to do another song?" James yelled into the microphone

Th crowd clapped, and I rolled my eyes once more.

Oh my, it was just singing. It's not like she bent fire or anything.

And I can do that.

"This one is for my friend Lilith. For her to remember she's a kickass woman." I face palmed myself, as everyone stared at me.

I hated being center of attention:

"You can look but you won't see, the girl I used to be cause she. . .shes so gone away like history!" She smiled, and Evie pushed me up.

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