Chapter One

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This was the other beautiful banner that MarbelisLugo made for me, and I love it! Thank you for making it! (:

My email is open if you would like to send your banners for Fate in!

Word Count: 1752


"You know exactly what they are going to say," I remind Zaid, as we walk up to the front door.

He shrugs from behind the flowers I had insisted we buy. Considering he's being named as Alpha tomorrow, and I'm being taken away by an immortal tomorrow, I'm awfully calm. I'm ready for whatever he has thrown at me, and I have been for a long time. I have a feeling my adoptive father will cry and my mother will fake smile until she breaks down.

I appreciate them, though. Both of them.

Every since Zaid and I were young, we knew what happened to our birth parents. My mother was murdered, in cold blood, and my father died from the loss and pain some time after. He had found the perfect parents who would take care of us before he passed. And he picked greatly. Anna and Jack raised me with affection, but with the ability to fulfill the fate that has been written for me before I was born.

Anna opens the door for us. Almost instantly, she grabs my shoulders, pushing me inside the room, right into a tight hug. I saw this coming.

"Anna," I wheeze, "what's the point of the dinner if you're just going to kill me at the door?"

That's what I appreciate about my family. We can joke about things. Even if Anna and Jack can be all too touchy at times, they don't take everything seriously. That's why they didn't mind when I first insisted I wanted to call them by their first name. My real parents are dead. There's no point avoiding that fact.

She pulls away. She's crying, like I thought she would. "We have so much to talk about before you go."

Dinner is already on the table as we walk in. I take my usual spot, while Zaid sits opposite me. When we were younger, we would kick each other under the table and Jack would threaten to give us no dessert if we continued. I missed those days, when Fate wasn't on my mind every day.

Jack gets up to embrace me the moment I step into the room. Both him and Anna have those distinctive Devotion Pack features. The bronzy hair and smoldering dark eyes. Both are beautiful, even in their age. Anna has brilliant smile lines in the creases of her eyes and by her mouth, while Jack has those deep frown lines between his eyebrows. Serious and playful, the perfect match.

"I hope you're okay to talk tonight," Jack says warily, as I take my seat. He pauses, before he slides into his seat, hands placed by his untouched dinner. He's nervous.

"Of course," I reply, watching Zaid as he sits. He doesn't wait for anyone else at the table before he starts eating. "There's no point denying what's going to happen. That's always been your stance on this."

Anna leans over my shoulder, placing a cup of tea in front of me. I glance down at it. Inky coloured leaves let out their dark infusion that colours the steaming water in the cup. It's Anna's special herbs she grows out back. She's been using them to calm nerves since Zaid and I were young, but personally, I can't say they work very well.

"We just want to make your last day here good. Maybe you should stay the night here...You never know when he is going to show up," Anna says anxiously, tearing her apron I hadn't even noticed she was wearing off.

I expected this. "Anna, it's fine, I'm fine. And I haven't packed yet. If he shows up at midnight, fine, then I'll at least have all my stuff ready."

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