Chapter Thirty Five

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I couldn't find your username but regardless, thank you so so much for this banner (: it's beautiful.

Word Count: 2123


"Close your eyes."

My eyes do nothing but narrowing on Fate, considering what he has presented. His plans to build my abilities with magic start today. To say I'm apprehensive hardly touches the surface of what I'm feeling. Fate has spoken nothing about where he is taking me, or what we are doing.

"I don't like the sound of that idea," I say pointedly, raising my eyebrow at him. Hardly any time has passed since he completely rejected me. And I found out my father had completely betrayed me and my brother.

But the sooner I agree to this, the sooner I'm out of here.

"When we arrive at our destination, I want you to make a guess first," he tells me firmly. I roll my eyes, tired of the curveballs he seems to be pulling out from nowhere. "It's important not to rely on your sight as your main sense. There are immortals who can use that against me."

Now that I'm aware of the immortal who killed my mother, and tore my family apart, I'm less afraid. Fate's own brother used to harbour the mind of the immortal who did it. At this point, I would spit in the face of Time is he stood in front of me.

"Fine, but I would appreciate it if you don't transport me to my death," I mutter, closing my eyes.

There's no point fighting it. I'm a slave to Fate's ideas. And perhaps I always will be.

Closing my eyes, I allow him to grasp my hand. Each time I have touched him since I have known him, his hands have never changed temperature. I'm not sure if it has something to do with him being immortal, but it's unnerving. Especially since I know the power he holds.

"Hold tight," he murmurs.

The floor suddenly falls out from under me, and the rush that seizes my stomach each time consumes me. I gasp, as my feet touch rock hard ground, Fate keeping me from toppling over. Instantly my skin crawls with a brittle, intense cold. It's so overwhelming I want, for a moment, to scream.

"It's freezing," I gasp. As I open my mouth to talk, I can feel the cold deep into my throat, capturing my voice in it's icy clutches. "Get me out of here."

Fate has let me go. I take a step, my bare feet, acclimated to the sand, slide into a freak pile of ice. Or snow. I should have known Fate would take me somewhere out of my element. I've only heard of snow, never touched it before. All I know is that I hate it already.

"You have to guess where we are first," Fate murmurs.

"I don't know. Somewhere with snow," I say quickly. I want to open my eyes and reveal where Fate has taken me, but I know he will change the game on me immediately. So instead I comply, wanting out of this environment as soon as possible.

Fate takes so long to reply, I begin hopping from foot to foot to avoid my feet freezing to the ground. "Be more specific, please."

"I feel rocks," I say, my mind spinning with ideas. What has snow? Anywhere could have snow. Plus, I'm assuming this is the immortal lands, which I know little about. However, I do know the most common place snow falls. "Ah, a mountain?"

"Open your eyes,"he tells me. I do, the world expanding in front of me. "We are standing in the middle of the alps found deep within Sinful's territory. I thought perhaps this would be a great place to start."

Everywhere I look, there's a mountain peak taller than the one we stand on. Each covered in a layer of brilliant white snow, touched only by the cool breeze. I look down. My bare feet stand upon a small raised rock dusted in the finest amount of snow. Already I can feel all my joints freezing. Fate stands in front of me, wearing the same thin shirt and pants. He barely looks bothered at all.

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