Chapter Thirty Eight

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Word Count: 1594


For a moment, I'm stunned on what to say.

Clearly, he intimidates me, and everyone else around him. Not only is it his height and muscular stature, but also the look in his eyes. There's something dark there, which makes sense in my mind. He had to die somehow, and by the look of him, he died young. In fact, a lot of people around here look young. I'm assuming it has to do with the faction we are in.

"I'm here to deliver you a message," I tell him firmly. He watches me dig into my back pocket, pulling out the slim envelope Death gave me.

"Is that right?" he says, a frown expressing itself on his forehead. He doesn't take the note, simply stares at it. I'm holding it on its bare side, so he can't see the message. "Who sent you?"

"Well who do you think?" I question. "Your mate of course."

He seemed disinterested to begin with; his intentions being only to come and intimidate me until I left. Hearing that this note is from his mate completely shifted his persona. A dark shadow seemed to pass, leaving his eyes cold and expression stony. I'm not scared of him, though. I'm here for a reason.

"I don't want it," he says flatly.

"I got told I had to bring it to you. I don't get my end of the deal unless you take it," I snap, shoving it at his chest, folding the paper. He backs up a step, holding his hands back, as if he was afraid to touch it.

"It's a shame I owe you nothing," he seethes, smacking my wrist away. That hurt. But I don't back off.

Rubbing my sore wrist, I get ready to berate him with words. However, he turns toward the exit of the building. Not only does it anger me that he is dismissing me so easily, but I'm also infuriated by his reaction. I need him to take the note, otherwise Death isn't going to let me out of here.

I jog after him, grabbing the back of his leather jacket. "She's your mate. Does that mean nothing to you?"

"Don't act like you know anything about me, or her, or us," he says as he whirls back to face me. I can feel heat buildup alongside all the anger within me. "Get out of here. And go be another immortals slave. She isn't worth your time."

I'm taken aback by the venom he spits at me. As much as I want out of here, I'm curious about what is warranting this reaction. Does Death know about this? She should have known he wouldn't take the note if she did. He just seems so disgusted by the mention of her name.

"You have to take it, it's your property now," I insist. When I try shove it back into his possession, he tucks his hands away. This is turning into a childish game. "Aren't you curious about what it says?"

He waves his hand dismissively. "I couldn't care less."

"Then burn it," I say without thinking. If I get rid of it, maybe I can convince Death he received it. Unless of course, she is watching. Then she can see how much he despises her. "I might be able to do it for you."

I'm not exactly sure if I can back my words up. My entire body feels as though it's about to catch alight, and I'm curious to know if I can create fire myself. I'm unsure if that's even an ability many can achieve, but the amount of power that was given to me from my mother and father is unknown.

"If you have a lighter, then knock yourself out," Kace tells me, wanting it gone and out of his sight.

"I might not need it," I mumble.

Holding the envelope up, I examine it. Within me, I can feel something building, so I concentrate on it. It feels hot, like molten lava is filling my veins, running between my ribs and burning my heart. Then all of a sudden, the feeling rushes up to the tips of my fingers, and the envelope goes up in flames.

Kace and his entourage each gasp, a few backing away in fright. Kace stares at the note, as it turns to ashes in my hand, and sprinkles to the ground.

"Who are you?" he questions.

As soon as those words come out of my mouth, I watch a very familiar figure walk past the windows to the building. It's Fate, and before I can do anything, he catches a glimpse of me.

I panic for numerous reasons. Part of me was planning on getting help from Death to escape and hopefully spend my life hiding from Fate, as much as that sounds unreasonable. But the overwhelming sense that tells me to run is the one that still wants to find my mother. I just need to see her, tell her about Jasper. Do something to make this better.

Fate's expression lights up when he sees me, pointing. I back away, feet skipping through the ashes I just created. When Fate goes for the door, I turn and run.

I'm not sure what I'm aiming for, but when I see an exit, I decide that's it.

Running probably isn't the best idea, but I'm panicking and unsure what else to do. I doubt I'll be able to find my mother without using some kind of ability. If I even have that. But first, I need to escape Fate.

The door takes me out onto a back street. No one is around, just a few trash cans and a bench or two. Before I can find a place to hide, Fate suddenly appears in front of me, hands neatly tucked behind his back, looking confused. I jump back in fright. That didn't take him along at all.

"You're lucky I caught sight of you. I can't use much of my power here. If I hadn't seen you, you would have had to summon me," Fate tells me.

He thinks I want to go back with him.

It's almost unbelievable. Could he not tell I was running from him? He smiles down at me; a genuine smile too. Something about him seems to have changed, though. There are dark shadows under his eyes, which doesn't help the intimidation factor he naturally carries around. He looks sinister, which contrasts how happy he looks.

"Can I just say I'm relieved to get you out of here," he tells me, reaching for me. "It scared me so much seeing you die like that right in front of me..."

I back away from him. I want to tell him I can't go with him, but I can't get the words out of my mouth. If I tell him now, and escape, he would find me easier. I doubt he would want to help me. Not after what has happened.

"Where are you going?" Fate questions, noticing my retreating steps.

I don't think this is going to work...but I'm going to try anyway.

Turning away from him, I sprint as fast as I can back down the street. From behind me, I can hear Fate's confusion, as he calls protests after me. I can't be sure any of this is going to work, but with remnant power still flowing through my veins, there is hope.

My mind is whirling, as I imagine the exact feeling I get when Fate transports me.

And it happens.

The world suddenly falls out from under me, and I plummet. When I land, I trip over my feet, falling to my knees, as my mind comes back into focus. I'm in a back street, but a different one this time. My knees sting, the skin completely scrapped and injured from the landing. Sitting down, my head spins and my knees ache. That hurt, but I escaped him.

I examine the damage. They bleed profusely, having taken a fair amount of damage. I will have to deal with this later. After transporting, my head now aches, but I have to keep going.

However, the moment I stand, Fate is back in front of me again.

"How did you find me?" I question. I thought his power wasn't strong enough to completely track me.

He looks concerned. "You only went down the street, I could still sense you. Are you running from me?"

Something must have messed up my train of thought, because the betrayed look that graces Fate's expression tugs at my heart. I shouldn't feel guilt after everything he is putting me through.

I go to push past him, but he grabs my arm. "Zayla, what going on? If you're running from me, you know I will find you each time."

With my mother on my mind, I rip my arm away from him, and make another run for it. Transporting this time comes a lot easier, but when I land, the effects hit me much harder. How does Fate do this so easily? I know...He's one of the highest tier immortals.

My vision twists and swirls the environment around me. From what I can see, I'm in someone's home. And I think they are looking down at me.

Blinking, I attempt to clear it, so I can see who is staring intently at me. Immediately I know who it is. All the pictures I've seen, all the stories I've heard.

I'm staring right back at my mother.


~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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