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I stare at my mate across the table while he eats his breakfast.

The sun has just rose, stretching across the expanse of the beach, the sand glistening golden and orange. It reflects onto Fate's face, as he sips his tea, busy sorting breakfast for the both of us. In these past few months, despite my defiance, I noticed I have merged into his eating habits. Oatmeal with fresh fruit. It was both out choice almost every morning.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, moving my spoon around a bowl full of pineapple. Fate's favourite fruit, and it recently has been growing on me.

Fate pauses, looking over the rim of his cup at me. "We have someone to visit."

My eyebrows raise. Usually I keep out of Fate's business work, protecting his territory and dealing with partners in those deals he makes. Not because he has told me he doesn't want me involved, but because I have no interest in it. I would much rather be playing around with the magical abilities I have no yet fully uncovered. So I'm surprised that he is planning on bringing me out with him today.

"Who's that?" I question.

"We need to deal with the...situation that was created," Fate says uncomfortably, casting his gaze down into his bowl. "With Ira, I mean."

I had a feeling this was coming. I had killed Ira around two weeks ago, and nothing had rose in reference to consequences. At least, not as far as I'm aware. Fate is surely hearing more about this from immortals than I am. I'm grateful for that.

"And how do we do that? Apologise?" I question, imagining myself getting up in front of all the sins and telling them how sorry I am for killing their sister. Hardly.

Fate's fingers tap rhythmically against the table as he thinks. "We need to visit the Moon."

My eyebrows raise.

"The Moon itself has a representative there who speaks for it. Jareth is his name, and despite not always being cooperative, he is our best bet on informing the Moon of what has happened," Fate tells me, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Maybe we can get an answer for what happens next."

"I'm sure the Moon already knows, right?" I say. The Moon is all knowing.

Fate tilts his head from side to side. "Perhaps. However, I would personally like to know the consequences before something happens to you. If I can do something to protect you, then I will."

I try my hardest not to seem bothered by those words. If the Moon is against me, then my existence will surely be diminished. Were I not Fate's mate, and the child of a powerful Alpha and Luna, it would be simple to remove me from this reality. And that thought unnerves me.

"Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet Jareth in his residence - the closest place to the Moon itself - because it's too close to Millicent, the Moon Goddess, who disallows any immortals to be in near vicinity to her," Fate explains.

Of course. In order to keep her mate, Sinful, away from her, those rules have to apply. That I know about.

"As long as Jareth is nothing like Ira," I say, drawing my spoon around my bowl.

A faint smile appears on Fate's face. "You'll see."


Jareth could be considered worse than Ira.

The moment we stepped into his home, too extravagant to be fair, too clean to be livable, he looked me up and down, and laughed. For a first impression, I can't say it is the best. He clapped a few times, turned in a circle enjoying something unspoken about my appearance, before he offered us somewhere to sit in his lavish foyer. We didn't take his offer.

While he smothers a chuckle, a petty part of me wants to make a comment on his own appearance. His hair is an icy white, so blinding, I almost want to look away. In utter contrast, his eyes are ebony black. Unsettling.

"May I say, you don't fit the description I was given by the Moon," he says, an accent stunningly whimsical. Perhaps the only part of him to be admired.

Fate and I exchange uncomfortably glances.

"Zayla isn't as aware of how you communicate, Jareth," Fate says smoothly, an underhanded warning in his tone. The white haired man, dressed so unnecessarily formal for this meeting, seems hardly fazed by Fate, as if the only expression allowed on his face is a smirk.

Jareth's gaze shifts to me, and once again, he looks me up and down. "As charming as you may seem, you don't fit the position I'm told I must appoint you. If it were my choice, I wouldn't, however, the Moon decides, not me."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," I tell him, unsure if he is being cryptic, or withholding information.

"You killed a Sin," he says slowly. "Do you not think consequences are in order? The Moon created Ira to serve a purpose, to keep this reality even in the Mortal Realm. And you took that away."

I'm unsure of whether or not he's angry. His eyebrow is raised, ready to here my defence, which fails to come forth. She threatened me, yes, but I doubt he will care to hear that. I killed her, her blood is on my hands. As much as it seems forced upon me.

When I don't answer, he sighs.

"Look, no one is going to hurt you," he tells me frankly. "Not when you have a mate like Fate. Not when you have power. And a lot of it."

"Then what's your point?" I question, unsure if I should be angry or fearful.

Jareth steps forward, gait almost floating, and grabs my hand. When I flinched away, his grip remained tight over my knuckles, not letting me go. Fate steps forward, noticing my unease, but Jareth shakes his head at him.

"This has nothing to do with you, Fate," he says pointedly. "She can handle this news herself."

True, however, I'm anxious about what kind of news he is about to share.

"Well, you took Ira's life, and right now the Moon doesn't have anyone else strong enough to take over her role as Wrath, as a Sin," Jareth explains. My heart rate accelerates as I realise what he is insinuating. "And for some reason, the Moon has decided you will take this responsibility."

And in that moment, I collapse.

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