Chapter Fifty Seven

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​"Well, this is perfect," Seff said, laying on the bed and staring up at the water-stained ceiling.
"Come to Vegas, you said. It'll be fun, you said. Nice, Nico. This is really nice."

​"I love how this is all suddenly my fault." Nico was standing at the television, trying to adjust the picture with the ancient wire antenna.

"Coming to Vegas was your idea, Seff. I'm just along for the ride."

​He dropped his arm over his eyes. "So, these are our options? Work for Fate or keep running. Forever."

​Nico flipped off the TV in frustration. "I guess," she sighed, dropping into a chair. "Have you heard anything from anyone?"

​Seff dropped into the middle of the sagging bed. "A bit," he said, grimly. "It's all bad news. We're not the only pack Wrath hit. She's on a rampage, just leaving this trail of blood in her wake."

​Nico swallowed hard. "Are there any survivors?"

​Seff nodded, leaning forward. "I've been thinking that we should start a new pack. All of us, all the survivors. I mean, what the hell else are we going to do?"

​Nico chewed on the corner of her lip. "It won't be the same—"

​"Nothing's ever going to be the same!" Seff exploded, throwing up his hands.

​"—but I think it's the right choice," Nico finished, irritated. "God, just let me say what I'm going to say."

​Seff fell back on the bed. "We have to get out of this motel room."

​There was a furtive knock at the door. Seff sat back up. Nico's heart began to pound as they looked at each other.

​"Who is it?" Nico asked, standing and double checking the locks.


​Nico looked at Seff, who stared back, dumbfounded.

​"Zaid?" Nico repeated.

​"Yeah, let me in."

​"I don't want that bastard here," Seff hissed. "Zayla is his sister. How do we know he's not here on her orders?"

​Nico chewed her bottom lip until she tasted blood. "Zaid, just leave, okay?"

​"Let me in," he said. There was a note of fear in his voice. "She's hunting me, too."

​Ignoring Seff's angry whispers, Nico unlocked the door and a tall, dark-haired man walked in. Nico hadn't seen Zaid in years. He looked alarmingly like Zayla. They had the same eyes and the same golden skin. But he was filthy, his clothes torn, and his left arm bandaged. He looked around as he entered, his eyes skittering into the corners of the room.

​Seff was on his feet and grabbed a handful of Zaid's sweatshirt. "Your sister killed our pack. Murdered them, every last one."

​Zaid yanked himself free. "That monster's not my sister," he spat, pushing his dark hair out of his eyes.

​"How'd you know where to find us?" Nico asked, stepping between Seff and Zaid.

​"Tracked you down," Zaid huffed. "I've always been good at tracking."

​"So what do you want?" Seff said.

​Zaid looked between them for a moment. "Word is you're contacting survivors."

​"Survivors of your sister, you mean?"

​"She's not my sister! Zayla is gone. And now I know we need to stop her. She killed my pack too. My parents—our parents—" His voice grew heavy. "I was lucky to get out."

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