Chapter Fifteen

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This banner is beautiful, thank you so much nxytria you did a awesome job on this (:

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Word Count: 1827


My entire body has seized up in fright, feeling a single piece of glass so close to my throat, ready to take my life.

I'm not sure how Ira is doing this, but she has compelled me to kill myself. Not yet, though. Every muscle in my arm is tense, as I fight to stop myself from making the fatal move. What is happening right now? I need to make this stop before something bad happens.

"Blink," Sinful says tiredly. "She's trapped you in her gaze."

I hadn't even realised I was staring so deeply into her eyes, entranced by the greenish blue within them. It takes all my willpower to close my eyes, to fight against the way she is compelling me. As I blink, just for a second, the spell is smothered, and I instantly drop the glass back onto the table, my blood with it, feeling all my muscles return to my use only.

"Was that really necessary?" Sinful questions, his eyes trained on the blood dripping from the table onto the carpet.

Ira seems to compose herself, taking a deep breath. "Let me get you something for your hand."

She stands swiftly, leaving us alone in the room. My gaze captures Sinful's, as I raise a tentative eyebrow at him, unsure of what to say. He sighs irritably.

"You're not very strong are you? Mentally?"

My eyes narrow.

He comes to his own rescue. "I mean, you should learn how to keep you head around immortals like Ira. She gets heated easily."

I was about to reply, ready to criticise his statement of the obvious, until she walks back, holding a bandage. She doesn't let me wash the blood off, instead wrapping the white gauze around my hand. She leaves the slight cut on my neck alone, which stings to nail biting point.

"Ira, perhaps you could simply agree to not continue manipulating mortals and go home, to our creator, like the rest of the sins. Then, you'll keep the immortals happy, and out of my hair," Sinful mutters, clearly agitated, wanting to get out of here.


"What about you? What makes you so special not to be under his eye?" She questions, taking her seat beside Sinful again. I'm glad the conversation is off Fate and I.

"You know the sacrifices I make for our creator, Ira," Sinful seethes, everything about his aura darkening. "Don't make excuses. Stop, or you'll deal with them."

Ira folds her arms over her chest as she leans right back into the cushions of the couch, looking nonplussed as she shrugs. "Fine."

I flinch. Sinful almost does to.

"That's it? You'll deal with Fate?" Sinful questions in disbelief. "After everything?"

"Sure. I would love to see him again."

Something tells me this has to do with me. The way her cruel gaze, as hot as burning fire, tells me she's engaging in this foolish head on fight with Fate out of spite. I know her name is wrath, but still, the idea makes me nervous. The extent of Fate's powers are still unknown to me, so I'm not sure how to feel about this.

"Very well," Sinful says smoothly, standing. My eyebrows furrow in surprise. "That's fine by me. You're the one dealing with him. Zayla and I will be off."

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