Chapter 5

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When Geek and the remaining members of the team got back to the city, everyone was happy because two Pokemon had saved the Eevee that had been kidnapped. Nobody asked the team what happened to them, but everyone knew something bad had happened. Geek's messed up face, still crying a little, and the sadness on Wave's face as he carried a very beat up Moss very clearly sent the picture. It was still happy times for the city, and Geek didn't want to spoil that. So, the team went home. The base was no comfort for Geek however. He couldn't stop staring at Volt and Tsunami, both now energy for Wraith because of his failure. Because he wasn't a good enough leader. Nothing was going right, and Geek wondered if they should just give up. Let Wraith take the world. Let this Eclipser person do what he wanted. Every time Geek tried to make things better, everything just got worse.

Geek went to bed early that night, trying to get the images of Volt and Tsunami out of his mind. No matter how much he tried, Geek couldn't stop thinking about them. Then, more questions started flooding in. The last thing Geek wanted was more questions, but he let them in because he figured they would be answered soon. Why did Moss have the scarf? Why did Volt give it away? What had attacked his friends? Why them? Questions and more questions, but answers for these may have been soon. Geek hoped to Arceus that they would be answered. Darkness took over, and Geek fell into a sleep he thought would never come.


Geek sat next to Moss as he ate. Geek hadn't touched his food. He wasn't hungry. Wave noticed.

"Geek, come on," he pleaded. 

Geek shook his head and pushed the plate away.

"Geek, please, you need to eat," Dist said, "I made a very delicious breakfast."

Geek just shook his head again. Moss finally stopped eating and looked over at Geek. The sorrow was plain in Geek's eyes, and he seemed to be in a distant world filled with happiness and fun, where Wraith never existed. Moss felt the pain in Geek, but for a different reason. He knew why Volt gave him the scarf, but he didn't know how to express it. He would need to get Geek alone to explain it all.

Breakfast was slow, silent, and seemingly depressing. Geek simply just went back into his bed and tried sleeping again. Wave and Dist did some more cleaning, cooking, and a bit of work on the bottom floor. They got the boarded up windows replaced, and a few of the more necessary wooden planks replaced. It was still a sad day, and Moss knew it. He had to tell Geek what he needed to know. So, as Geek was in bed and Wave was gone, Moss came over and sat next to Geek. Dist was upstairs taking care of the two fallen friends.

"Geek..." Moss started.

Geek mumbled something. Then he rolled over and looked at Moss with teary eyes.

"Geek... Volt gave me the scarf because..." Moss was stuttering.

"Why?" Geek said ghostly. 

He seemed to be completely out of it.

"Because..." Moss couldn't say it.

"WHY!?" Geek shouted, anger and rage boiling up in him.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A HUMAN!" Moss blurted out.

Silence. Geek had backed off from Moss' shouting, but now he seemed almost shocked. He seemed like he was experiencing a lot of emotions, sadness and fear the most obvious ones, but Moss could see it in his eyes, Geek was stunned by what he had just said.

"That's why?" Geek finally said, weak and reserved.

"Yes. Just before we were attacked, I explained to Volt why I came here. Why I was sent here. I was sent here to remind you and Volt of who you really were. You're both humans Geek, and Volt believed it. He knew it. He knew this whole time, he just needed a push. Geek, he gave me the scarf so I could remind you too, and help you save the world from Wraith."

There was more silence. Geek seemed in more, pain, than shock now. He seemed even more sad now. Moss tried to get a reading on Geek's expressions, but found it hard to understand what he was feeling. It was a sad time. Sad for everyone, even Moss. He may not have physically known Geek and Volt, but Jirachi had given him memories and visions of what happened. He remembered things that they did, he saw flashes of their actions in their desperate fight against Wraith, and he had come to feel like a close friend to them. But now, one of those close friends was gone, and the other one was on the verge of just giving up. Moss didn't know what to do, until something popped into his head. He looked at Geek and smiled. Geek gave him a puzzled look.

"I know what happened, between you and Volt, and Wraith. I know everything, and I want you to remember who you are too Geek," Moss said kindly.

"I don't believe you Moss. There's no way I would be a human, and Volt would tell me if he felt like something was off," Geek said coldly. 

Deep inside, Geek knew Moss was onto something. When he said that him and Volt were humans, he felt that gut feeling again. That feeling he got when Greninja told him she thought they were chosen.

"Well, then I guess I should tell you a different message," Moss said, "Right now, I know you feel like a failure."

That hit Geek hard. It hit him right in the gut. He did feel that way, and he knew he was a failure. He let down his best friend and another good friend, and now he was having to bear the weight of his loss. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't like it, but he knew it was true. He couldn't let anyone else down, and the easiest way to do that was to just not do anything at all.

"But you know what? I don't care. I leave my life in your hands, because you are the best leader I know," Moss said firmly, "and another thing, Volt wanted to tell you to never give up. Remember those few moments when you fought Wraith the first time? How everyone was telling you to never give up? Well I'm telling you now."

Geek lifted his head and wiped his face with his paw. He sniffled, then looked right at Moss, who looked at him with a smile and a confident stare. Geek, smiled. He smiled and sobbed at the same time, thinking about Volt, yet thinking about what Volt wanted Moss and him to do. Volt knew he wasn't going to get very far, so why not use a Baton Pass to another trustable Pokemon. Geek felt motivated. He felt more powerful with Moss by his side. He may not fully believe Moss when he told him he was a human, but obviously something was right there.

Dist came downstairs, and something popped into Geek's mind. Dist knew about the Dark One, and the ruins, so maybe he knew a ruin that could lead them to Wraith or some form of advancement.

"Yo, Dist," Geek said as he motioned for the little pikachu copy to come over.

"You seem awfully cheerful suddenly," Dist said worried.

"No, I just got a bit of encouragement from a friend," Geek said as he nodded to Moss.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted to ask me?" Dist asked.

"Do you know of any other ruins nearby that we could explore? Particularly talking about the Dark One?" Geek asked.

"Actually, yeah there is. There's one in a nearby forest. It's called Yotu Tayo Woods, and it's got a very large reputation for being a place of no return. But there is a ruin there, so..." Dist said, nervous as he spoke.

"Then that's where we're going," Geek said to Moss.

Geek got up and washed himself off. Moss did the same, and he even got a bag from in town to wear. He stashed items into it for the trip. It was still early morning, so they would have most of the day to explore the place. Geek got ready to go. Just before he went downstairs, he looked at the small dresser where he had laid Volt's scarf. He looked back at Volt and Tsunami, who were both passed out on the beds Dist had set up. Nodding, Geek grabbed Volt's scarf and tied it around his right arm. He would take good care of it while Volt was away.

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