The End

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High in the sky, flying with Shine, Jirachi looked down at their planet.

"Thank you," Jirachi said.

"For what?" Shine asked.

"For helping me see where I went wrong," Jirachi replied.

"How so?" Shine asked once again.

"Last time, I erased Geek and Volt's memories because I felt like humans and Pokemon shouldn't be together, but now I see, they live in perfect harmony. Geek and his friends along with you showed me that," Jirachi explained.

Shine smiled.

"Well, I better get going," Shine said as he turned around.

"Where are you going?" Jirachi asked.

"I still have many more planets and worlds of creatures to return. I need to undo everything I've done," Shine said, getting ready to blast off.

"I'll tell Geek what you're doing. I'm sure they'll be thrilled," Jirachi said giving Shine her best smile.

Shine gave a smile and a wave back, then flew off deep into space. Jirachi was alone now. He decided to do one last thing before he went back down. He closed his eyes and wished for one last thing. Finally, he wished and it was given. Jirachi gave herself a smile, then began to fly down to the ground once again. Everything turned out ok. Jirachi decided to go take a nap. He needed one after all of this. Finally, peace had returned, and it was going to stay for a while. At least, Jirachi hoped for that.

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