Boss Battle: Tapu Koko

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Tapu Koko sent a thunderbolt in front of Geek. The pain in Geek's leg seemed to flare to life with each step, but Geek pushed it aside. He needed to get to Moss and the others. Dodging a swipe by Tapu Koko, Geek rolled over and jumped to another building. He landed, rolled, and continued running as Tapu Koko gently floated over to the new structure. Geek looked ahead to try and find an easy escape route, but only saw a cheap tactic he could use. He checked to see if Tapu Koko was behind him, then focused ahead. Just before Tapu Koko grabbed Geek by the neck, Geek flipped over a pole set up to distract lightning in a storm. Geek landed on the building behind it, but Tapu Koko slammed face first into it.

Geek looked behind him and laughed. Then, he turned around and fell into an alley. He slammed into several wires and lines, then slammed face first into the ground. Pain flared across his body, but Geek pushed it away again. He bolted into the busy streets and tried hiding himself in plain sight. He noticed Tapu Koko, now with a hint of annoyance in his face, floating above them looking for him. With a few quick moves, he was in another alley. He saw the gate at the end of the long passage, and blew up into a full sprint. Sweat dripped by his face and he panted hard as he approached his goal. Suddenly, Tapu Koko appeared in front of Geek, blocking his path. Startled, Geek tried stopping. Tapu Koko reached out and grabbed Geek's scarf and lifted him into the air. Geek tried kicking, but he couldn't break free. Was this it?

"You may not have been as injured as I thought, but you're still too weak to leave. Sorry, but you're going back to your house," Tapu Koko said as he put Geek into a lock.

Just before he took off however, Geek's non glowing hand flew down and lifted up into the air. As it did, massive spikes rose from the ground and surrounded Tapu Koko. It was a Stone Edge attack. One spike flew up and slammed Tapu Koko right in the face, forcing him to let go of Geek. Geek flew into the air, but caught himself on a wall and slid down onto the ground. Tapu Koko recovered from his hit, and Geek landed smoothly, and silently on the concrete ground.

"That, I was not expecting," Tapu Koko said, suddenly out of breath.

"Neither was I," Geek said.

Geek tried using his Thunderbolt attack. Nothing. Somehow, he had replaced his Thunderbolt attack with Stone Edge. It was odd, but Geek would take it. Tapu Koko sent thunder bolts around Geek to try and paralyze him. Geek jumped over the electric field and landed, sending his hand up into the air and sending more spikes up with it. Spike after spike slammed into Tapu Koko and sent him flying into the air. Geek lowered his hand, then thrusted his glowing purple hand and aimed at Tapu Koko. From his hand, a large, uncharged Dragon Pulse fired out and slammed into Tapu Koko, taking him down for the count.

Geek looked at his glowing hand, which was no longer glowing, and thrusted it out again. Another Dragon Pulse, uncharged again, came out. He charged up his mouth Dragon Pulse and fired it. Fully charged, just like it should be. Geek raised his hand and caused more spikes to come up, then lowered his hand and sent them back down. Curious, Geek threw the spikes back up, then raised his hand higher. The spikes lifted out of the ground and followed Geek's every motion. Whatever had happened, Geek liked it, and he liked it alot. He had completely forgotten all about the pain. In fact, the pain was gone. Suddenly realizing what he had originally wanted to do, Geek jumped over Tapu Koko and ran out the gates, dashing down the path towards The Legends Cove.

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