The Emails

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Up until the age of five, I lived in Seattle with my Aunt. I didn't remember either of my biological parents, but from what I'd heard, I didn't want to. My mom was an alcoholic and had died when I was two, and she'd never known who my dad was. Accident baby, that's me. Great.

I didn't mind. My aunt was the sweetest lady I couldve asked for, apparently the complete opposite of my mom, and although I was only young, I still had little memories of her perfume, of her crinkled old face and her red hair. She'd dress me every morning, sing to me at night, and be the first face I saw when I woke up. And then she died, and I had no other family, and I was pretty much on my own again for six months until Jason and Bella Banks came along, the best people I've ever met.

I'd known Sam for as long as I could remember. When I was adopted by Jason and Bella Banks, the Uleys were known to be our closest family friends. Sam was seven long years ahead of me, and he'd always been like my big brother. His little group of friends quickly became MY friends, and since I was the only girl in the group of kids, I had to prove myself. They were all of mixed ages, the oldest being Sam and another kid, Jared, and the youngest was me. Apparently, little boys did NOT like being proved wrong and beaten at games by 'stupid girls'. But I eventually won them over. Needless to say, I was proud of that. There were seven of us in our little gang, and only one other boy was my age. Jacob Black. Jacob and I.. We just clicked. Jacob was a sweet little boy, all adorable brown eyes, chubby cheeks and stuck up hair. But he was also incredibly shy - around everyone but me.

Since I first met him, I'd noticed his slight little nervous stutter. He had it for as long as I knew him - a total of almost three years. Jake and I were completely inseparable, it was ridiculous. Bella and Jason would tease me about it, tell me he was my boyfriend just to see me embarrassed. To a five year old girl, the thought of a boyfriend was utterly disgusting. Ew.

Everyday after school was spent with Jacob, either at my place or his, getting up to no good and often being told off. My clearest memories were of us standing in front of Jacobs father and trying not to burst into giggles when he yelled at us.

My family and I didn't live on the reservation, but it felt like I did since I was there so much. I learnt about the Quileute tribe histories, and the stories would quickly turn into games for our little possy. We would take it in turns to be the wolf, and someone else would be the 'cold one'. The aim was to tag as many of the others as possible before the other did.

Our group was unbreakable, because we loved each other like family. But, when Jason got a job in California, I had no choice. When Bella told me we were moving, I felt like I cried for three days. Eight year old Emma truly didn't understand, and it felt like the worst thing in the world. I told our group of friends myself, and we hugged each other to try and say the best goodbyes. Jacob didn't hug me. He didn't look at me. The little boy sulked in the corner, and I remember crying in the car when Jason and Bella came to pick me up when we left. My eight year old self was heartbroken, and completely crushed that I'd lost my best friend.

As the months and years passed in Cali, I received weekly emails from Sam and sometimes the other boys too. Never Jacob. And as I grew older, that only hurt more. Sam's emails started off as chatter, but once I reached the age of thirteen and he was twenty, something changed. At first, it was subtle, but he seemed to be mentioning the tribe histories a hell of a lot. It confused me, because they were just stupid stories. Only it seemed like Sam wasn't joking anymore. The emails from the other boys seemed to stop for months, which made me imcredibly angry, until I got home from school one day to see a ridiculously strange email from Sam. As I sat down at my desk, I took a deep breath. The email started off just as every other one always did, but then something was off.

"Hey, Banks.

What I'm about to discuss with you - tell you - isn't something I'm supposed to do. But we've come to the agreement that you always have and always will be a part of this, even if it's not directly.

Think about the legends, Emma. The Quileute Legends. In case you don't remember them all, I've attached a link. SHOW THIS EMAIL TO NO ONE. Every single one of the details in that link is completely and utterly true, Em. I need you to be open minded, and trust me. I shifted into a wolf for the first time seven months ago, and I was alone. Quite honestly, it scared the shit outta me. But I'm figuring it out. Just like the legends, we're here for protection, to protect the town for, The Cold Ones - also known as Vampires. You're freaking out, I know.

But there's more, Banks. Paul and Jared phased last month, they've joined me. They're struggling, but working through it. Last week, Embry phased, and the only two left are of course Quil and Jacob. I can't be sure either of them will phase, but it's to be expected because it's in their blood. TheIr may be others to join us in time, but oddly it seems to be staying inside our group.

So, weak little human, keep your pretty little mouth shut.

I'd sat on the floor in my bedroom and FREAKED. it took me two solid days before I could sit back at my desk and reply with three simple words. 'Tell me more.'

And that's how it worked. Slowly, I came to understand it, to like it, and I cherished my boys' secret with everything I had. Sam and I emailed back and forth for YEARS, and he explained it all to me; werewolves, vampires, imprinting, all of it. I learnt to deal with it, and was positively honoured that they'd decided to trust me with that. I was still hurt that t wasn't Jacob emailing me, though. And he didn't. I didn't speak to him at all.

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