Wild Guesses

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{in this part, I'm writing about what Jacob DID as soon as he left her bedroom, so it's past tense; has already happened, and you catch up to what he ends up doing after that - in the present - after I've written this. THIS PART IS IMPORTANT, READ IT.}

Jacob had known exactly where his next stop would be, as soon as he'd spotted Emma's car keys hanging in her room. He'd run out of the door with her keys in his hand, and driven down to the movie theatre with his heart racing way too fast.

Emma had DRIVEN to the movies, meaning she had her keys with her, and since she'd never come home, Jake then knew that it was the game-playing bloodsuckers who put her keys in her room, knowing that that would be the first place Jacob would look. It was a smart move, Jake had to admit that, but it also terrified him how clever these bloodsuckers were turning out to be, and he felt so clueless. He was blindly guessing, and he had known that even as he had pulled up in the space next to Emma's car was still parked, stamped with a parking ticket on the front window since it had been there way too long.

When Jacob had gotten out of his car and put a glove on his hand to punch through Emma's window, he'd heard it instantly. The sound of the childish, high pitched music had flooded his ears as soon as it could escape from the car, and Jacob had stood there frozen to the spot, trying to process what the hell was happening.

The tune playing was a nursery rhyme, or something, but as Jacob stood there and listened, he noticed it was only a short tune on repeat. The more times it looped round and played over and over again, the scarier and sicker it sounded, like something out of a broken down fairground. Like in the movies.

Well, at that point, Jacob was stumped. He was damn sure he'd never heard the stupid little jingle before in his life, but it was playing off of Emma's car radio, and he was certain it wasn't a coincidence.

And yet, the tune meant nothing to him. So how was he supposed to figure it out? Standing there in the parking lot and listening to the irritating song over and over, Jacobs mind ran over everything. The song meant something, but not to him - to Emma.

His brain clicked onto a sudden thought, a wild guess, but that was all he had. So, Jake had jumped back into his car, and driven right back to Emma's place to speak to her parents.

As soon as he pulled up, he'd spotted Jason's car parked outside, and ran up to the front door, where a fluttering piece of paper stuck to the door caught his eye just as he was about to knock.

California for the weekend. Be back soon. House is being watched by neighbours. Leave parcels under the mat. Thanks.

And Jacob screamed internally, pounding his fist angrily into the door. He knew exactly why they'd gone to California; because they'd thought Emma was there. Her parents were worried about their daughter, and they blamed Jacob, so they'd gone to see if she'd run away back to their old home and to their relatives to stay there, to get away.

Jake even felt bad for Jason and Belle, because even he wasn't as clueless as them. They truly had no clue where their daughter was.

But still, the weekend. The idea of talking to her parents had been a wild guess, not even a certain bet, and now he had to wait the whole weekend to find out if he was correct? These leeches weren't fucking around at all.

Jacob leaned his head against the door, almost in exhaustion, like he was giving up, and exhaled slowly.

"Emma," he mumbled, sounding like a whining child, but he couldn't control the single tear that ran down his face.


Aww, isn't he so sweet?!

Soooo, let me know what you're thinking. When I started this story, I didn't think it would go in this direction, but I kind of like it. It's a little cryptic, and I know you probably HATE her parents for leaving for the weekend, but stick with me. Besides, they don't even know werewolves/vampires exist, they're just trying to find their daughter. Which they won't. HA.

Anyway, until next time, loves, you'll just have to think about Jacob crying because he misses her.

- Author

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