Better Than Bowling

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"So you're not into food, like... at all?" Jacob's voice was like home to me again, just like it should be, and it was that exact voice that caught my attention now from where he was sitting across from me. 

I almost laughed. "If by food you're referring to things like the burger you just practically inhaled, then no." I grinned at him and Jake returned it, not at all hurt by my comment on the amount of food he consumed in a day. I suppose he shouldn't be, either, because despite the fact that he was capable of eating the entire of the Mcdonald's menu in one sitting without hesitation, Jacob looked like one of those irritatingly gorgeous models for Calvin Klein. Only, that didn't bother me, because he was my Calvin Klein model. 

Jake's smile didn't fade as he popped another skinny fry into his mouth and reached for the chocolate shake that we were pretending was mine so that people didn't stare. We were sitting in the same diner that we'd been to countless times in the past few months. The walls of the place were a checked red and white, and the décor followed strictly that of a typical 60s American diner. Jacob and I used to dream about the burgers they did in places like these,  so you can imagine his horror at my sudden dislike of the greasy junk food. "Sucks to be you, then; you don't get to enjoy all this greatness anymore. Get it? 'Sucks'." 

A loud groan escaped my lips, attracting the attention of people on tables just a few metres away, but Jacob and I were too busy laughing at his awful joke to give a damn. "I'm begging you, never say that again. You got me? Or so help me you'll be wearing that chocolate shake." 

This was our new routine. I know what you're thinking; how could I sit in a restaurant full of people and have every single one of them leave alive? But it was all down to Jake. Surprisingly, the wolf that was my biggest weakness before was now my ultimate strength. Months ago, back to the days of crimson red eyes, my instinct to destroy Jacob on the spot had been almost unbearable. But now? Now, as long as he was there, I was calm. He was the perfect distraction, and this was a perfect example of that; we were laughing with tears streaming down our faces instead of me ripping apart the five year old sitting across the room. 

Carlisle had contributed to this too, although the majority of the time it was Edward who was the one teaching me Carlisle's ways. Slowly, with as much hunting as I could, my creepily red eyes began to disappear, melting into the honey colour that they were now, which Jacob said he much preferred since they didn't remind him of 'death'.

There were down sides, too, of course. Like, for example, how we had to go hours away from Forks just for a date like this one in case someone saw the girl who was supposed to be dead. But Jake and I didn't mind. It was our new normal, and one that we would take any day over the previous meetings in the forest - which we still sometimes did purely for the ability to be ourselves. To say the least, we were pleased. We were beginning to take the 'vampires and werewolves are natural enemies' crap and stamp it right into the ground. Everyday was easier. 

The biggest heartbreak in this whole thing was my parents, of course. There had been no way I could just carry on as normal, no matter how hard I argued with Edward about it. In the end, I knew he was right. For one, I was still no where near perfect in my ability to control my thirst, at least not enough to live in the same house as them both. I knew that there was too much risk of a slip up. Second, I looked too different. Jake had been right when he said that immortality had changed my appearance, and not just with my eyes. My hair was constantly voluminous and silky, my skin was suddenly flawless and I no longer stumbled when I walked or was capable of tripping over something. Plus, my skin was wintery cold, and I was sure either Jason or Belle would have something to say about that. I couldn't risk it, and that wasn't Edward's fault, or anyone else's. So, we did the hardest thing I've ever done. We faked my death. 

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