No one needs to know about your sex life, Sam.

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"Muffin. I want anuvva muffin.." Paul slurred, spewing out little pieces of chewed up muffin at anyone in a metre radius of him as he spoke. He reached out for the basket of muffins Emily had left on the table, and yelped when Jared smacked the back of his head. "The fuck, bwo!"

"You're disgusting." Jared spat at him, rolling his eyes, and Jacob and I laughed from where we sat on the couch opposite. I was doing homework, sitting with a notepad in my lap, and I had been for the past two hours. Trouble was, when you're surrounded by boys who just can't stop themselves from being idiots or involving you in a conversation, homework is damn hard to do. I was learning that.

"Algebra. Who needs algebra anyway?" Quil scoffed when I explained to him what I was actually doing.

"Unfortunately, Quil, that argument doesn't really get me out of it. Nice try, though." I grinned, reaching over the back of the couch to mess up his hair as he walked past. "What about you, Black? You any good at this stuff?" I grinned at Jacob.

He held his hands up. "My looks are my greatest talent, sorry." He smirked, and then it was MY turn to slap HIM over the back of the head. "You know it's true," Jake nudged me in the ribs, a teasing smile on his face. I grinned back.

"You guys make me feel sick." Embry muttered as he stuffed his face with food.

"Pretty sure it's that muffin that's making you feel sick, Em. Sorry, dude." I teased, and he rolled his eyes.

"We're in a relationship, leave us alone. We love each other." Embry huffed, devouring the blueberry muffin in question.

I laughed. "Oh, yeah? Do I get an invite to the wedding?" I tilted my head, pouting a little.

Embry turned and grinned at me. "You'll be front row, baby." He winked, purely teasing, and my head fell back with laughter. Embry was a flirt, plain and simple, but between us it was completely a joke, and I freaking loved it.

"Speaking of you, Embry. It's your shift. Go." Sam ordered as he came down the stairs, and I stifled a laugh at the look of pure disappointment on Embry's face, like a kid who got a rock for Christmas.

"But my muffin..." He whined, groaning loudly and letting his head fall back. He huffed, standing up out of his chair and stomping out the door. Jacob and I lost it with laughter.

"Okay," Sam leaned against the counter. "Enough with the jokes. We should talk about what happened last night."

"No offence, Sam, but I really don't wanna know about your sex life." Quil faked a shudder, and smirked whilst the rest of us burst into laughter at his joke.

Sam glared at him, rolling his eyes. "Shut up, Quil. Be mature." He snapped.

And then I was frowning. "Wait.. Did I miss something? What actually happened?" I tilted my head, glancing around at all the faces in the room as I looked for someone to answer.

"Nothing to worry about." Jacob assured me from by my side, and I frowned at him, shaking my head. Always the protector. I guess I couldn't blame him, it was literally his job.

"The two leeches tried to get through again last night." Paul explained, still munching on his food as he told me.

My eyes widened a little. "They're still trying..? What the hell?" I muttered, shaking my head. What was so fascinating to these bloodsuckers about forks? Hell, there were plenty of other places that weren't guarded by wolves. "Are they gonna get though?"

"They're getting better, more violent, and skilful." Sam shrugged, nodding a little. "We'll need to be extra careful."

I bit down hard on my bottom lip, and felt my stomach twist with nerves. More skilful at what, killing the wolves to get through? The thought made me feel sick. They were trying to hurt Jacob, and the whole idea of that just made me want to throw up.

Jake seemed to see the look of anxiety on my face, and he took my hand, which wasn't an uncommon gesture for us. "Hey, I'll be fine." He assured me, his voice low so that only I could hear. I let out a sigh and leaned into his shoulder slightly as they all spoke.

"So then what do we do?" Quil asked, leaning back in his seat. Sam had each and every one of our full attentions now, that was clear. And for once, the guys were all being serious.

Sam sighed. "We double up on shifts. They'll try to get in when we least expect it, so we have to always expect it. I need two of us running the boarders at once, at all times. Got that? You can figure out your shifts between you. For now, I'll go help Embry." He nodded, and swiftly kissed Emily on the cheek before jogging out of the door. The rest of us were silent for a while. This thing was getting a little scary.

And then there was Quil, always there to rely on to break the tension. "Well, guess I better eat these muffins whilst I still can." He mumbled, and as soon as he'd spoken, we all started to laugh again.

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