A Forever Person

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It didn't take us long to run all the way to this house Edward was talking about; the speed was becoming a real perk of vampirism. 

Carlisle and Esme had been kind enough to give me a place to stay considering I couldn't exactly go home, and even though I didn't need sleep anymore, if I wanted to get out of the house and be around people then I couldn't exactly do it covered in my own blood. On the way there, Edward briefly explained to me that the Cullens treated each other as family, and I couldn't help but feel honoured that they trusted me enough to bring me into that. He told me that there were seven of them, including him; Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper. 

"You're nervous," Edward stated as we slowed down when we reached the edge of the forest. He looked over at me, and again I was met with golden coloured eyes. 

"Get out of my head!" I leaned over to shove my shoulder against his, smirking when I moved him a metre to the side easily; ah, newborn strength, I do adore you.

Edward held up his hands, shoving me back a little before defending himself. "I didn't actually get that out of your head, for your information. It was written all over your face." He chuckled, shrugging a little. "Now, why are you nervous?" 

I let out a sigh. "Would it be stupid to say its because I'm afraid of meeting them? The others, I mean?" We'd stepped out of the shadow of the trees by now, and a huge, open house with large glass windows on every floor came into view. "You live HERE?!" I squealed a little, turning my head to look at him "Okay, Vamp-Boy, nobody told me you were freaking rich!" 

Again, Edward was laughing, and I swore I saw him roll his eyes at me. "You're ridiculous, and as for meeting them, they'll love you. Come on." The next thing I knew he'd grabbed hold of my wrist and tugged me up the steps, only to have the door swing open before we had even reached it. And there in front of us was the smiling face of Esme. 

"Ah!" She gushed, and clapped her hands together, still displaying that loving smile. "You're back. How did it go? Well, I assume? Edward, dear, drop the poor girl's arm." 

Edward, as if he was five and had been scolded by his mother, dropped my arm with a soft sigh, and I couldn't stop the laughter that left my lips. "Yeah, Edward. Don't be so rude." I smirked at him, and felt his shoulder but into mine once more. I didn't fail to see the little smile on his face. When I looked back to Esme, she was watching the two of us with a soft smirk, and I heard a sigh escape her lips. I made a mental note to ask him about that later, but right now Esme was still waiting for her answer. "And it went fine, thank you, Esme. I feel a little better now." 

Her loving smile only seemed to brighten, and she stepped aside to let us both come through the door. "Well that's perfect. Edward, make sure you take her regularly. The more she hunts, the lesser the cravings. Got that?" she asked, and  I laughed when Edward saluted her, only to receive a laugh. "Now, go and find her something to change into. Emma, dear, you can use the shower, I set out a towel on the side. Go make yourself at home and then I'll introduce you to everyone." 

I told her a polite thank you, and then Edward looked to me before taking me upstairs. "You know," I hummed as he directed me into what I assumed was the guest room. "This is really strange, to meet people like you.." 

He turned to look at me. "What do you mean? I thought you'd met vampires before. I mean, the ones who changed you?" 

I nodded quickly. "Well yeah, but that's not what I meant. You're all nice, kind people, and all ive ever been told is stories of town destroying, soul crushing demons." I frowned, and Edward fell silent. 

"I still am a soul crushing demon. The stories are true. We're created for evil, theres no changing  that." He muttered,  busying himself pulling clothes Esme had laid out for me from the drawers. 

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