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The anger seemed to make Jacob even more determined. He'd been trying to figure this out on his own for hours, and that was too long. He'd run for a while and then phased back and headed home, but he was too restless to sit still. He paced a lot. He didn't have a clue what kind of danger she was in, but the whole idea made his skin crawl. All he wanted was to have her safe again. If she hated him so much that she never wanted to see him again, he would have to bear that. It would torture him, but he would deal with it. Just as long as she was safe.

Safe. The idea seemed so distant, almost impossible, considering he had no idea how to find her. He was a piece in the game these bloodsuckers had created. They made it, controlled it, and put forward the next move. Jake had no clue how to figure it out on his own, but he was determined to.

He needed to be clever, but first of all to figure out WHERE she was. It seemed that the leeches were dropping clues, or had already set them up and were testing how long it would take for him to figure it out. He was struggling. The anger seemed to make his head go fuzzy, so that he couldn't concentrate, and he just couldn't think straight.

Think, Jacob, think.

Placing his head between his hands as he sat down on the couch, inhaling deeply and attempting to collect his thoughts for even a second.

Think, Jacob, think.

If you were a bloodsucking demon playing a sick game, where would you put your twisted little clue? Something linked to Emma, maybe? It had to be. Where, where, where?

Jacobs mind flickered across possibilities, but it was the one that just seemed to hit him in the face that caused his eyes to widen slightly. The photo. The photo they'd used to cross out her face and send as the first message, he knew EXACTLY where that was from, and the sneaky little fuckers knew he would too. Her bedroom.

So, he was on his feet and grabbing his keys to run out the door.


On the drive over, Jacobs head was spinning. The car wouldn't move fast enough, and yet people would probably kick up a fuss if a large animal ran down the road and straight through the town, so he was restricted to the car. He just needed to get there.

Jake was hit with a sudden thought of 'what if'. What if her parents wouldn't even let him in? How do you explain that you need to get into their teenaged girl's bedroom to see if a pair of leeches left a clue in there? Jason and Belle blamed him anyway, he knew that. Why would they let him in? He just had to hope they were out, and that Emma hadn't taken her spare house key when she left to go find him at the movie theatre. If she'd left it, he knew how to get in. If not, he had to hope that no one was around so that he could get in through her window.

When he pulled up outside Emma's place, his heart hurt a little to think about the last time he'd been there. To laugh with her, to make her smile was just the most rewarding thing, and he loved it. And then he'd fucked it all up and sent her off crying. Hell, if he'd just made her stay with him, talked it out with her, and then walked her to her car... It could all be different. But it wasn't. And the curtains to her bedroom were drawn, the window closed, and it all just looked to empty.

His first piece of luck of the day was to notice that her dad's car wasn't there as he headed up to the front door, and Jacob sighed in complete relief. He knocked anyway, just to be sure, but there was no answer.

Jake found himself crossing his fingers, a stupid, superstitious gesture that he knew didn't really work. But.. He'd try anything. So, as he reached down and lifted the mat on the front step, he almost braced himself. A string of relief - and curse words - escaped his lips when he spotted the key sitting there, and Jacob snatched it up, fumbling with the door before he pushed it open. "Fuck, Em, thank you for being so damn unorganised." Jake muttered under his breath as he leapt up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

He could've laughed  when he pushed open the door to her bedroom and stepped inside, his eyes glancing around. If he'd never been there before, he still would've been able to guess that it was her room. The bed was unmade, her dresser scattered with various items including empty soda bottles, her hairbrush, random items of clothing, and just pure crap. There was a half eaten bag of popcorn on the end of the bed, and the TV remote sitting just by it.

But Jacob wasn't allowing himself to get distracted. His eyes desperately scanned the room, looking for ANYTHING out of place. He must've been stood their ten minutes, looking over the same things multiple times and trying not to get frustrated, when a shine of silver caught his eye in the corner.

The car keys weren't out of place, not in the slightest. In face, they were hung perfectly on the hook by her desk, exactly where Emma put them every time he didn't use them. But that was the problem. She had used them. She'd driven over to the movie theatre, so how would they be home?

"Sneaky bastards." Jake muttered, huffing to himself as he snatched the keys from the hook, his mind spinning.

The leeches had set it up so simply that it was hard to figure out. Each clue had been right under their noses, and no one had bothered to look. But Jacob had. Jacob had figured it out, and he wasn't stopping now.


Ooooooh, I didn't tell you what he figured outttttt. I'll be willing to bet that a few of you will figure out where he's going next, and what the car keys told him, but still, wait for my confirmation in the next chapter!!

A few of you new readers were kind enough to vote for my last couple of chapter, so thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Also, how sweet is Jacob?

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