No Rabbits

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"I am NOT eating a bunny!" I heard my own voice louder than i'd expected it to be, and also more high-pitched. I was shaking my head profusely, my own curls whipping me in the face with each sharp turn of my head. "You.. I.. I mean.. The poor bunny!"

Edward, on the other hand, was laughing so hard that he'd have been on the floor gasping for breath if he was human. That was the most infuriating part. 

We'd only been out in the woods for around ten minutes, and Edward had since then been talking to me about instincts, asking me to listen to specific sounds and so on. And all of that had been fine, until...  

"i'm not asking you to eat the rabbit, Emma. Just drain it's blood." And he burst into laughter again at his words and at the increasingly horrified look on my face. "Okay, okay. you might be the most dramatic person I've ever met, Miss Banks."

My expression turned to one of confusion, and I narrowed my eyes at the ridiculously attractive vampire in front of me. "How exactly do you know my last name?" I raised my eyebrow, and Edward smirked under my gaze. Apparently, he had this smirk, the smirk that only came out when you least expected it, as if he was intentionally trying to kill me. I was quickly learning that. How could someone be such a gentleman and yet attempt to knock me out with every move he made?

He was ridiculously proud of himself for surprising me with the use of my last name. "Heard it in Embry's head." 

"Right.." I muttered, tilting my head a little and glancing out into the trees before I turned back to him. "Oh, and how are you so friendly with them? I don't get it. Earlier, you were standing so close to Embry. When I stand close to him like that, it makes me wanna.." 

"Throw up?" Edward finished my sentence for me, tilting his head at me as his beautiful honey coloured eyes burned into mine. I nodded mutely. "Yes, I do feel that too. But it's just practise, I swear. You learn to ignore it, if you really want to."

I felt my own excitement bubble up, and couldn't hide how I stood up straighter and displayed a smile on my face. "You mean.. I could be that close to Embry? I.. We could go back to normal?" I questioned eagerly. 

Edward's sweet laugh sounded again, and he nodded once. "Well, yes, I guess you could. But it'll take time, you know. Lots of practise." 

I was still smiling, though. "In case you haven't noticed, I have plenty of that." Talking with Edward was easy, I was starting to notice that. Maybe it was because he had s direct line to whatever I was thinking, but we seemed to get along pretty well, and I'd smiled a lot more since he'd showed up. It felt nice, to smile and not feel guilty about it. I was still upset about Jacob, incredibly so, but Edward seemed to be able to fill a small part of the whole in my chest - for a little while, anyway. 

When I looked back to his eyes, I felt immediate realisation. He'd heard that entire train of thought in my mind, and he didn't look happy about it. 

"Edward, I'm sorry. I overstepped the lin-" I started, but he held up a hand to silence me, before surprising me by taking hold of my wrist. 

"What did Jacob do?" He demanded, and I was hit in the face with shock. He was angry at Jacob, not me? 

It took me a moment to form a proper answer, and when I did it was rushed. "I-I... he... he left me, after I was turned. I was... b-burning, and I thought he was there, but I woke up on my own. He didn't tell me why he left, and I haven't heard from him since then. He left me." Wow, I felt pathetic. I wasn't sure why I was telling him this, but Edward seemed to be able to get me to say whatever he wanted me to just by looking at me. 

Edward dropped my wrist, and started to slowly pace up and down. "I've only met him a few times, and we've never really spoken. I assumed he was a good person.. Shouldve killed him when I first saw him, save you all of this pain." 

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