Sitting Ducks

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Her blood. He, or she, or IT had used Emma's blood to send the pack some kind of disgusting message. It was like a game, and Jacob didn't want to play. After sitting and staring in horror at the photo in front of him, Jake had been unable to control his anger and had phased, running straight through the woods and not really knowing where he was going. Maybe he'd find her. Maybe, by total mistake, he'd find Emma and be able to bring her home. Maybe, maybe, maybe. These maybes weren't promising enough. He needed her, needed her home.

Sam stared after Jacob where he had run out of Emily's place, hearing the violent tears of Jake's clothes as he phased. He couldn't imagine the pain that Jake was in. He had Emily standing right in front of him, and he didn't even want to think about what he'd do if he was in Jacobs position. But what he did know, was that they needed to plan carefully, because the leeches who had taken Emma werent messing around. They wanted the pack to figure it out, to find her, and most likely they would be waiting for when they did.

"Sam." Embry's voice broke the alpha from his line of thoughts, and Sam lifted his head to look at them. "What do we do?"

"I'm fairly sure that what they want is for us to go to her, to find her, and fall straight into whatever it is they have set up. We won't win. Not at all." Sam sighed, rubbing his face in frustration.

"So you're saying we're supposed to just NOT go?" Quil said flatly, his eyes narrowed.

"We can't do that!" Jared threw his hands up. "Think about it, Sam! This is Emma!" He raised his voice, and Emily put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I know." Sam snapped back at them, starting to pace the room. "There has to be a way around it.." He muttered, a permanent frown on his face.

"And if there isn't, then what?" Embry demanded, folding his arms. "We need to get her back." He huffed, and there was a murmur of agreement from Paul.

Sam lifted his head. "Then we go, and we fight. But none of us go alone."


Jacob was wandering around in his wolf form, his head spinning with overwhelming emotions. It hurt him to be away from her anyway, but to know that maybe she wouldn't even believe he cared enough to find her after what happened at the movies, that just about broke him. He needed to fix it, to find her, and never let her out of his sight again. And yet there they were like sitting ducks, waiting for these bloodsuckers to give them their next clue.

It disgusted him, how these creatures felt it was okay to mess with innocent lives. Jacob was hit in the face with a sense of nausea when one single thought crossed his mind. What if this WAS all a game? A trap. What if, when they were all wondering how to get Emma back, she was already dead?

Jacob dropped to the floor, his head spinning and his heart racing from the sickening thought. He sat for a minute, feeling like he would throw up at any second.

What if she WAS dead?

No, no no no no no. She couldn't be. She couldn't, and he refused to believe that until he SAW her dead. Until that point, he would work his ass off to find her.

A rush of determination flooded through him, and Jacob was running again. He would search, and he would search EVERYWHERE. If these leeches wanted him to figure it out, then that's what he would do, until his very last breath.


Author's Note:

Hello lovelies!!
I know this chapter was pretty short, but hang with me, there's drama to come I promise. Soooooooo, in case there's any confusion, that first clue was Damien and Alorec's way of telling the wolves they have Emma, but they never said WHERE she was. Hence Jacobs reference to 'sitting ducks', because the pack are basically waiting for their next clue.

We're almost at 700 reads as I'm writing this, and since this is my first ever story, I'm soooooo excited about that! I wanted to remind you to comment - I WILL reply to every single comment I get.

Don't forget to vote!!!!

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