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For some reason, Jacob followed us back to Sam's place. Sure, I knew he was friends with the guys too, and they were his pack, but he sure looked like he hated me. He tried to talk to me once, looking a little sorry, and then another time he asked me to just stay away from him. THAT hurt, bad. So, I took his advice and just walked with Embry back to Sam's house, as far away from Jake as I could get. I didn't speak much on the walk home, because my mind was swimming with confusion.

What the hell was going on with Jake? I knew he didn't want to see me, knew he was angry that I left. But... That WAS ten years ago, and it hadn't been my choice. It didn't make sense to me that he was still so damn angry, and there was no way it was because I'd ran into him. Hell, I'd slap him across the face if it was that.

The guys didn't look like they understood it either, and Embry seemed to notice how upset I was over it, throwing his strong arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his ridiculously warm embrace as we walked, letting out s soft sigh. When Paul spoke from where he was walking beside Jake, I tried to avoid Jacobs gaze. I failed, and shot him a quick glance, instantly flinching back. He was staring right at me, or rather NOT at me. His brown eyes were shooting daggers at Embry, and a number of emotions hit me at once. Confusion was the first, because why the HELL should he be angry at Embry of all people? They'd never fallen out, I knew that, and Em was the sweetest guy ever. Id never seen him do anything to upset someone else, and that's why he was such a good friend. But it was the overwhelming anger I felt that followed my confusion. Was Jacob reacting to how Embry was HUGGING ME? The fucking jackass.

As much as I tried to control my sheer fury, I wasn't that kind of girl, and I hoped I never would be. So, I locked my eyes with his again, and the group fell quiet as soon as I spoke. "Do we have a problem, Jacob?" I snapped, and saw Paul's eyes widen a little. Jacob and I had never argued, but today he just seemed to be happy with being s total asshole. I just wasn't going to deal with that.

Jacobs eyes stared into mine for so long I thought he wasn't going to respond. I couldn't pick up on what was going on, even looking at him square in the face. I just didn't understand. But, when he finally spoke, his tone was icy. "I thought I told you to leave me alone?"

That was it. No more ignoring him. "You're so full of crap, Jacob. I wonder, does your ass get jealous of all the shit that falls out of your mouth?" I spat the words at him. It was an insult, one that would've earned me a round of applause from the guys under any other circumstances, but no one moved. I wasn't fucking around.

"Did no one ever tell you to stop taking jokes from old movies?" Jacob rolled his eyes.

"OKAY ENOUGH!" I walked over, slamming my hands into his chest and pushing him backwards. I hadn't noticed he'd started shaking, but I didn't think I cared.

"Emma.." Sam warned, raising an eyebrow, and I was subtly reminded of them telling me to ease up Jacob earlier. I'd promised I wouldn't piss him off, but I was way too angry to stop now.

"No, Sam. I'm not tiptoeing around him because he's supposed to be some kind of fragile little pup. Seems like people have been treating you like you're fucking royal since I left, Jacob. Am I right? Like no one crosses you because you're all cool and rebellious and you walk around like you own the place? Not anymore, Jackass. Pull your head out of your ass and wake up." I snarled in his face.

"Oh shut up, Emma." He snarled through his teeth, his fists clenched together at his sides and his knuckles turning white. I stepped back slightly, because he sure as hell looked intimidating. "You act like you're all tough and you can just come back from your sunny little trip, all perfect and educated and you have everything so damn figured out. Stop the act, Banks. You're gonna end up just like your alcoholic mother."

I felt the air escape from my lungs and suddenly I couldn't breathe. My hands and legs were shaking, and I could only imagine the look of shock on my face. Jacob didn't look like he was enjoying my reaction, but he sure as hell didn't look sorry either. I wasn't going to stick around to hear his next words, but as soon as he'd spoken, there were a chorus of angry 'DUDE!'s behind me. Paul's hands slammed into Jacobs chest and pushed him away from me, and if I wasn't already crying, I would've wanted to stick around to watch them defend me. But I turned and ran, sprinting back to my car and just barely making it before I burst into sobs.

I could hear the sound of shredding clothes behind me.

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