My Return

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We lived in sunny California for my entire childhood. I grew up, learnt, lived, and thrived in California. Part of me loved it. And then there was the other part of me, the one that was desperately trying to drag my ass home to rainy forks and to my boys. That part won - eventually.

Moving back wasn't entirely my decision, even if I'd been begging for years. Jason's mother, my adoptive grandmother, got sick, and Bella insisted we had to go back to Forks. I was elated. Not for Jason's mom, duh, but I just wanted to be HOME. So when we pulled into the driveway to our little home, I RAN inside and went straight to my room. Nothing had changed there. The only things I'd taken to California with me were clothes, and everything had been left untouched. Deep purple bedsheets matched the lavendar walls, the old wooden desk scattered with my terrible drawings and the mess of an eight year old tomboy. I walked to the wall by my bed and placed my hand against the two tiny hand prints on the wall. Jacob and I had done that when we were six, and I'd pushed my bed over the marks on the wall for the first few months to hide it, until it was discovered. I smiled a little, biting my lip. Hell, I just wanted to SEE them.

I had changed.. A lot. But I guess that was expected since I was eighteen now. I was 5'7" and had blue eyes. My wavy brown hair had grown to just above my waist, and like always it was tossed into a high ponytail. I'd always hated my hair, but Bella refused to let me cut it, insistent that one day I would leave behind my tomboy ways. Never gonna happen, but I humoured her anyway. I wasn't AS boy like as I had been as a child, and I blamed that on California. Before, I'd been long sleeved shirts and baggy jeans. Now, it was skinny black jeans and whatever t shirt I could find, along with my favourite Chuck Taylor's. I drew the line at makeup. I'd never wear it, and didn't plan to. The stuff annoyed me. So I avoided it at all costs.

I pulled away from my thoughts and focused again on the little group photo stuck to my mirror. Each and every one of us with our arms around each other, giggling to ourselves. My heart ached. I needed to get to them.

"I'm going to La Push!" I called as I jogged down the hall, keys in hand.

"You want me to drive you?" Jason yelled from somewhere upstairs.

"Nawh, I'm good! I'll be home before dark!" I told him before practically sprinting to the car waiting in the driveway. I was anxious the whole drive over, but that all flipped over when I got out, spotting their little gang hanging around. I knew all about the drastic appearance changes, and had expected it, but it was still kind of stunning. Each had cropped hair, barely any of them wore shirts, and bore a tattoo on their upper arm. I would've been a little intimidated, until they spotted me, and I saw grins stretch across each of their tanned faces. I knew those smiles, hell, I'd MEMORISED them. I didn't try to hide my disappointment that there was no sign of Jacob.

In a blur of movement, I was yanked off of my feet by arms so strong I had no chance of fighting, and spun around in a quick circle. "Emmmm!" Came Paul's cheerful voice, and I laughed as he finally set me down. I was given no chance to reply, because each of them did the same thing, finishing with Sam, who hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek. I didn't know I was crying until I touched my face and found the little tears. This. I'd waited for THIS moment for ten years. Emails just didn't cut it, compared to seeing their faces.

"Damn girl, you're hot." Quil commented, and I slapped his arm. I couldn't help the way my face automatically heated up slightly at each of the boys stares.

"Shut it, Ateara." I shot at him with a smirk, suddenly grateful when they started to laugh and the attention was directed from my post-puberty self. "Finally made the pack, huh?" I grinned.

Quil nodded proudly. "Just a month ago. Bow down, bitches, I'm the best of them all." He sang cheerfully, and grinned at the protests that soon erupted from his fellow pack members.

My mind was somewhere else, though, and Sam saw that. "Jacob phased a few weeks ago. He's just starting to figure it out." He told me gently, and touched my arm. Did Jacob know I was here? I wasn't trying to sound like a brat, but I felt more than a little angry that he hadn't bothered to show up. I'd expected him to at least care that I'd come home.

"He's fine, but he's new. Don't go pissing him off, okay?" Paul teased, nudging my arm.

I forced a smile. "Sure, sure. I know the drill." I waved him off, and followed them all quickly into Sam and Emily's place. And despite everything, as soon as they all poured into seats and started to chat, a sense of familiarity washed over me. I was home.

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