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"Hey, are you okay?" Quil's voice echoed through my cellphone as soon as I picked it up, holding it up to my ear.

My Saturday night was being spent just as every Saturday night should be. I was laid in my old grey sweatpants cradling a bag of chips in one arm and with reruns of Friends echoing from the TV across the room. Complete and utter satisfaction. When the phone rang, I'd had to pause the Ross/Rachel breakup scene to pick it up. "You mean you're interrupting such an important moment in my life to make sure I'm okay?" I teased, but he clearly heard the laugh in my voice.

"Wait... You're actually okay? Embry was being serious?" Quil asked, and I instantly frowned.

"Do you wanna explain to me what's going on right now, Quil? I don't read minds." I laughed, but the frown quickly returned to my face. What the hell had Embry said?

"I'm talking about tonight, like... Tonight." Quil spoke slowly, sounding just as confused as me.

"Okay okay okay! Enough with the cryptic shit, Q. What's happening tonight?" I groaned, and laid back onto my bed as I spoke into the phone.

There was a pause on his end of the phone, and I mentally screamed. I'd kill him for keeping me waiting. What was so important about tonight? "Jake's date! With that girl! The one from the beach! Damn girl, no one told you?"

And then I froze. I was pretty sure I heard my heart stop, or crack, or do some kind of weird freak out thing that probably wasn't very healthy at all. The words he said didn't really make sense to me at first, like they wouldn't sink in and I couldn't process them. Jake..? Date..? WHAT?!

Why the hell would Jacob go on a date right now? With what we had going on? What did we have going on? Hell knows, but I knew for sure that it was something, the boy had been holding my hand and all of that stuff for WEEKS! It was endless damn flirting, and Jacob didn't usually flirt. But.. Why would he just assume that I didn't care? Why? Why why why? It just didn't make sense to me. Until..

"FUCK!" I yelled into the phone, after what was probably minutes of total silence whilst my mind raced over it all.

Jacob took MY freaking advice! I SAID THAT TO EMBRY! I told Embry that I didn't like Jacob at all and that he could date other girls if he wanted, because I wanted Jared to leave me alone.. But by Embry telling the pack that includes Jake! Fuck fuck fuck fuckety fuck. Now Jake thought I didn't like him - at all!

"WHY IS MY LIFE LITERALLY A NICKELODEON MOVIE?!" I yelled into the phone, scrambling off the bed and grabbing my jacket.

"Dude, will you quit yelling? It's hurting my ears! Tell me what's going on now!" Quil whined, and I shoved my feet into my sneakers, sprinting down the hall.

"Sorry, Q! I gotta go!" I yelled, tossing the phone onto the kitchen counter on my way past, snatching my keys from the hook.

"And where do you think you're going?" Belle raised an eyebrow at me from where she was sat on a stool at the kitchen island.

I screeched to a stop in front of the door. "Uh.." I panicked, looking up to her face and biting my lip hard. "To.. The... Store?" I guessed, trying out whatever would work to make her let me leave the house this late at night.

"Oh! The store, hmm?" Belle raised an eyebrow at me, and I swallowed.

"You're not buying it, are you?" I sighed, my head falling back as I groaned.

"Nope. You're a terrible liar, you know." Belle chuckled, shaking her head at my obvious desperation. "Go, Emma. Don't stay out too late."

"Wait.." My eyes widened so much I felt a little dizzy. "Really? That actually worked?"

"No, not at all. But I'm trying out this new 'flexible mother' role, how am I doing?" She grinned, and I returned it.

"Perfect. Keep it up," I laughed as I sprinted out the door. "I love you!" I yelled to her, throwing myself into my car and starting it up. What the hell was I doing?

Twisted {Jacob Black}Where stories live. Discover now