This girl seems to be of importance.

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You know when you're younger, and you wake up in the morning and you can't tell if you're still dreaming? Or You know, like in the movies, when the character thinks she wakes up from a dream but it's really a dream in a dream? I know, confusing, right? But that's how I felt.

I remembered the icy cold touch, I remembered the sound of my own bones crunching, I remembered the pain, the struggle for air, the restricting hold, and I distinctly remembered the voices.

I knew I'd been knocked out, and I wasn't sure how long for, but when I finally started to sense things again, I didn't dare open my eyes. Maybe it was fear, or something, but I tried to pretend I was still out cold.

It took me a while, at first, to figure out WHERE I was. I knew if I had struggled, that the cold stone wrapped around me would become tighter, and that told me that I was in fact laid in the arms of someone - SOMETHING. I say thing, because no human embrace could make my entire body shake with the cold, or hold me so still even when I fought with all of my strength. Those two facts alone led me to one conclusion - The Cold One.

The voices I could hear were like low murmurs, almost inaudible to me because of the constant gusts of wind whipping at my face. We were moving, but not in a vehicle. I knew whoever held me was running, and yet I felt no motion of the steps. How strange.

"You're sure this is the right girl, Alorec?" A male voice hissed, the sound coming from the person carrying me. It took everything I had not to open my eyes and thrash around as much as I could in order to get away, although I knew I would fail.

"Why must you always doubt me, brother? It's becoming frustrating." The voice that replied was laced with severe boredom, and I could tell that he was somewhere close, also moving. "Look at her."

"I am looking at her, you imbecile. I can smell her, too. Did you have to cut her like that? I could rip her apart right now.." He huffed, and I could almost FEEL his eyes burning into me.

"No, Damien. We need to follow this through. It irritates me that these creatures think they have the power to defend this land. Mutts." Alorec muttered to himself, and I felt that same sense of sheer anger towards them. Mutts. How dare they call MY boys mutts? It almost caused a reaction from me, but I had to stay quiet. I knew that.

"You're still set on destroying them, then? It's a very ambitious plan, especially when there are so many of the disgusting creatures." The first one, Damien, snarled.

"We must show them who the better creature is, my dear brother. We must defeat them. And this girl seems to be of some importance, though I cannot see why." I heard an eye roll in there, and found myself picturing myself kicking him in the face. Asshole. I was terrified, sure, but it didn't stop me from being pissed off.

So, if what they were saying was true, then these were the two vampires who had been attempting to break through the borders onto Quileute Land. So what was I? Bait? Perfect. This was exactly how I planned to spend my Saturday night. Note the sarcasm, please. I was scared out of my mind, but sarcasm just couldn't be stopped.

Would the wolves even notice I was gone? Sure, I wasn't even certain that Jacob would come after me if he knew, after what had just happened, but the others surely? I didn't want them to, if that was the case. I didn't want these dirty, cold creatures to touch my boys, my pack, or harm them in anyway. And yet, I knew there was no use in hoping that. The pack would protect me if it killed every last one of them to try, and the thought hurt my heart.

So was I screwed, then? Would we all end up dead? I had to hand it to these bloodsuckers, their little plan was well thought out. I didn't want to question HOW they'd managed to get through, because Sam constantly had someone running the border. Did that mean that the pack knew they were here? And whilst Jacob and I were arguing, all of this was happening? If Sam knew they were here, he'd track them, but I was assuming that he didn't know I was with them. He couldn't. As far as Jacob knew, I had driven home to go and curl up in bed and cry, and that was it. Quil thought the same. My only hope of someone realising I was gone anytime soon was Belle, and that was assuming she called one of the pack boys to check if I was with them. Suddenly, I was desperate for my adoptive mother to show her true overbearing colours and try to find me. Please, Belle, please.

I was aware of the liquid - blood, most likely - running down the back of my head, and I was also aware that I felt dizzy, really dizzy. The voices around me that had been so clear before were fading away, and I felt like I was spinning really fast. Pretty soon, I faded into blackness once again.

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