Fighting, again.

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I didn't know what I was doing. Hell, Id never been so unsure of something in my life. And yet I was sitting in my car, both hands on the wheel, and determined to get to Jacobs place before he left for his little date, or whatever it was.

I wasn't sure what was going through my head, because it was all just a blur of emotions that ultimately led to complete and utter confusion. I didn't know I liked Jake, or even showed an interest in him past our friendship. That was harsh, I know, but I hadn't even let the thought cross my mind until now. When I'd heard Quil say the words 'date' and 'jacob' in the same sentence, it sounded so wrong I almost wanted to throw up. You think I'm exaggerating, and I'm not, because I wasn't even sure if it was ME driving the car, or if it was the imprint literally steering for me. I didn't care, I just needed to get there.

But.. What if this thing didn't work both ways? What if, whilst I was dreaming of how I wanted to stop this whole thing, Jacob was dreaming of this blonde bitch down at the beach, and how much he liked her? What if, despite me assuming he was doing this because I'd indirectly told him to, he had actually been planning dates with other girls this whole time? I could never really be sure what was going on in Jacobs head, only mine, so this whole thing could end in complete and utter heartbreak. Dammit.

I was acting on guesswork, really. Quil had text me to say Jake was picking this girl up from her place, and I had no freaking clue where that was, so I had to guess where they were going. The movies. Jacob had been talking about some action movie we'd both been interested in for weeks, so I could only guess he was taking her there. Again, I was hit in the face with a pang of jealousy. So what, now this bitch is taking my role as his best friend, too? Sure, it wasn't her fault, but I could only feel pure rage towards her, and I was totally fine with that.

As I swerved the car into the movie theatre parking lot, spotting a poster for the same damn action movie on the front of the building, I smirked. Damn, Emma, you're freaking good. And Jacob always said I didn't actually know him that well. You're about to be proved wrong, boy.

Tossing my cellphone into the back seat and jumping out, I felt so nervous I thought I would throw up. What the hell was I doing? This was insane! I couldn't just walk in there like I owned him! And yet, my feet were still carrying me forward on my mission, straight through the doors of the movie theatre.

My eyes scanned my surroundings of queues, crowds and lines of people dotted around the first floor, searching for what I wanted. When I laid eyes on him, I felt completely and utterly sick. But I wasn't looking at Jacob, I was staring straight at the girl standing under his arm. Slick blonde hair, a tanned face, a perfect figure wrapped in the prettiest of little black dresses, and topped off with big, beautiful blue eyes that just made me want to strangle her to death right then and there. It didn't help to see the huge smile on Jacobs face as he laughed at whatever she'd just said, his head falling back. Easy, asshole, it can't have been that funny. Who am I kidding? Of course it was that funny, because the supermodel bitch was probably a comedian too, knowing my luck. Ugh. And there I was standing in my sneakers and sweatpants across the room.

Well, too late to turn back, because at that exact moment Jacob looked up, and his eyes locked with mine. The smile fell from his face for a second and we both stared at each other, neither of us able to move.

Fuck fuck fuck. Great commentary, I know, but cut me a little slack, I was dying of humiliation.

I slowly turned and started my casual, but brisk walk back out the doors hoping he'd let me go. Of course he wouldn't.

"Emma!" I heard his familiar voice and soft footfalls behind me as he jogged over, and I practically cringed as I turned back to look at him. No escape now, girl, you're screwed.

"H-hey.." I muttered, suddenly conscious of my less than stylish attire, but also of how damn good that boy looked in a shirt. Fuck him and his attractive exterior.

"Hey," Jacob frowned, tilting his head at me as we both stared directly at each other. "What're you doing here?"

We both knew the answer to that, it was like one of those moments where he asked a question he already knew the answer to, and we pretended my lie was the truth. "Uh.. Popcorn, I wanted popcorn." I muttered. Sure, Emma, like you couldn't just go buy that at the freaking store. Ugh. "Date, huh?"

"Uh.. Yeah.." He frowned again, and I knew then that we DID both know why I was there, but he didn't fully understand it. I couldn't blame him. I was the one who told Embry that I didn't like him in the slightest, something that I now knew was a complete and utter lie. Again, UGH.

And there I was, still fucking rambling. "You like her, then?" I asked. Stupid stupid stupid. Of course he likes her, you idiot. Why would he be on a date with her if not?

Jake shot a look over his shoulder at where his date was still waiting in line for tickets. "Mhm, she's great.." He frowned at me again. The words sent a shockwave through me, of jealousy, hurt, anger, and hurt again. I couldn't exactly stop the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes, dammit.

We stared at each other for what felt like days, and I finally decided to cut the bullshit. I might as well humiliate myself even more, after all. "Does the imprint mean nothing to you?" I blurted out, and watched the confusion cross his face. Jacob didn't want me upset, I knew that for a damn fact, because that was pure imprint fact. If I cried, he wanted to fix it, and yet we were standing metres apart.

"So, what, now I can't go on a date? Damn, Emma, I didn't think you were this cruel." He told me, and I felt my stomach twist with those damn nerves again.

"Me?! IM CRUEL?! As if you think you can spend two weeks holding my hand and kissing my cheek, and then just fuck off to the movies with some random girl! And IM not supposed to have a problem with that? Talk about mixed signals, asshole!" I snapped back, glaring at him.

Jacob gritted his teeth together. "Are we really fighting, Emma? AGAIN? It's pathetic, don't you think?"

"Normal people fight, you know! Just because we yell at each other one time doesn't mean you have to crawl under a rock for another ten years! That's probably what you'll do, though, right? You're good at hurting people, why not do it again?" I snapped at him, tears flowing freely down my face now.

"You're being a bitch, Emma." Jacob told me bluntly, and we both glared at each other for a second.

"Again, me? And you're an angel, are you? You're the one who didn't tell me you were going on a date!" I threw my hands up, holding back the sob that was threatening me.

"Oh I'm sorry, mother, would you like to set me a curfew, too? I don't understand you, Em! So what, I imprint and suddenly it's all about you?" Jacob hissed in my face, and I narrowed my eyes, my vision blurred from the overflow of tears.

"Maybe if you'd listen to me, then you'd understand!" I yelled.

"What does that even mean?! Listen to you?! Listen to WHAT?!" He yelled back, and I was ready to just curl up and cry for fucking days. I couldn't yell at him anymore, and I couldn't watch how angry he was at me for a second longer.

"Have fun on your date, Jake." I told him, my voice weaker than before as I turned on my heels and sprinted out of the door into the cold, dark air outside.

I found myself pacing up and down the sidewalk where it was quiet, since I needed the space. I patted my sides for my cellphone, needing to hear Belle's voice, but sure, stupid me had left that in the car. So I stood there, sobbing like an idiot and sucking in as much fresh air as I could get as i leaned my forehead forward against the cold wall on the quiet street.

When a hard object, a brick, I think, hit me in the side and I heard the crunch of my own bones, I didn't even have time to scream before a stone cold hand clamped over my mouth.

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