You'll Never Break Me

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{{again, we're with Emma}}

Maybe it was the injury to my head, but I couldn't focus on what was going on in front of me. Or, maybe it was because watching a supernatural battle isn't like sitting in front of a TV and watching wrestling. This, this was terrifying. It was a blur of movement, the crushing sound of bodies hitting the floor, and the distinct ripping sound of a wolf's growl. I was hearing a lot of that.

My heart was beating a thousand times a minute - slight exaggeration - as my head constantly whipped around to try and keep a track of each wolf. Alorec and Damien moved with ridiculous speed, but it wasn't like the wolves couldn't keep up. Surely six against two should be an easy win, but the vampires were putting up a good fight.

Still, the worry was running through my veins faster than I could stop it, and I was pretty sure I was holding my breath in the pure hope that none of them would be hurt, Jacob especially. The thought of Jacob hurt was worse than any physical pain I'd ever experienced, even more so than having Damien stamp on my foot, which still throbbed where I was 'sitting' on the ground, where Damien had dropped me.

Maybe it sounds pathetic, but I was frozen to the spot. Like a damn deer in the headlights. I just couldn't move. They say that, don't they, in the movies, that people just freeze like a statue, and you don't really understand how someone could be that stunned. But I was. I was staring, wide eyed, at the scene playing out before me, with only my head moving to try and keep track of it all.

It had only been seconds, maybe minutes at the most, but I could keep my eyes on Jacob, who was burning with the pure fury. I knew him more than I knew myself, so I could picture his every emotion, even if I couldn't see it on his face. Every move he made was filled with anger, deliberation, and passion. He was driving himself forward, and with every swipe of his paw, he was set to cause harm.

I could see him inching slowly towards me as he fought, so I was damn sure that either Damien or Alorec could too. All they had to do was cast a look in my direction, and they'd see Jake slowly making his way to me, discreetly, but still shifting.

My heart seemed to beat even faster, if that was possible, and I seemed to break out of my frozen trance. My bones ached to jump up and throw myself at him, but Jacobs eyes shot me a glance whenever he could, warning me to stay exactly where I was. I knew what he was doing. If we did this wrong, if they noticed that he was getting closer to me, I could be on the floor and dead faster than either of us could blink.

But I was sure we could do it. With each step Jacob took as he stayed involved in fighting, he would end up closer to me, closing the agonisingly large space between us as he did. Come on, come on, come on. We'd almost done it, and I KNEW I was holding my breath then.

As Jacob reached the last metre away from me, my spirits soared with hope. We seemed to both feel that, because i raised an arm and swung it back to practically lunge myself to him as he shuffled towards me.

Do you know that famous line in movies; 'everything happened so fast'? Well, that's the only sentence I can use to describe the next second of my life. Hope was replaced with disappointment, shock, and then.. Pain. Excruciating pain.

As I lunged myself towards Jacob, and as we almost touched, it was as if everything happened in the same millisecond. Almost at the same time, I felt the all-too-familiar gust of breeze from somewhere around me, at the same time Jacob gave a desperate growl of panic. And I didn't even have time to react, because these two events were closely followed by a stone cold arm grabbing me, like I was a rag doll. And then came the pain.

At first, I thought something had electrocuted me, and as my body fell to the floor, the shock quickly turned to the white hot pain of a burn. It was - briefly - like a pain I'd experienced before, when I'd slashed my stomach with the curling iron. Except this was on my shoulder, and the sizzling pain didn't stay that mild for long. Suddenly it wasn't on the surface of my skin, it was inside my blood, and travelling fast.

Bones crunching, curling iron burn, hit with a brick. I would take all of that over this. This.. This was another level.

I was acutely aware of Damien being tackled away from me and my body hitting the floor with a thud, but it was like I couldn't even feel it. My vision was blurred with the pain, all I saw was red, and I could only focus on the burning sensation ripping through my flesh.

The screams released from my lips were entirely involuntary, and I forced my hands to scramble around on the floor to search for the one person who could usually take away my pain; Jacob. But I heard his voice before I touched him. Jacob had phased back? How long had I been screaming for?

"Emma?!" Jake breathed, and I just barely felt his hand slip into mine as I screamed louder. His voice was dripping with horror and pain, almost as if he could feel everything I did. "SAM! WHAT THE HELL DID IT DO TO HER?" He demanded, and I was gathered into his arms as if that would somehow suck all of the burning out of me. Not a chance. I felt like I'd been trampled my bulls, hit by a bus, and had every bone in my body broken at once.

And yet I found myself waiting - impatiently - for Sam's answer as my screams broke into agony-filled sobs, the pain only seeming to grow stronger. Jacob was asking the right questions; what was happening to me?

It felt like decades before Sam answered, and even then it took me moments to try and decipher what he'd said. It felt like the burning was blurring my senses, so that not only could I not see, I couldn't hear anything either. I couldn't feel anyone touching me, only the liquid heat streaming through my veins, setting each part of my body on fire one by one.

When Sam's voice finally came into focus, it was like I didn't want to know what he'd said anymore. I wanted to unhear it. "He bit her." Sam muttered in horror, as if he felt sick to say it. "She's changing."


You're all going to kill me!!!! I'm sorrryyyyyyyy, but I had to!!!

How do you think Jacob will react, Hm? I'm exciting to hear your predictions, so please comment. :)

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