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"Jake, man, will you stop pacing? You're giving me a headache." Paul groaned, slamming his head against the table. They were all crowded into Sam and Emily's kitchen, and although everyone was stressed, Jacob was by far the worst.

"No, I can't!" Jacob huffed, and continued his quick pacing up and down the room. His head was spinning. Protect her, that was his one job, and he couldn't even handle that. Had he really upset her so much that she would just run away? Emma was angry, for sure, and he hated himself for that, but would she really not even tell her parents she was okay? None of it made sense, but he couldn't think straight. "Why didn't Sam let me go speak to Jason and Belle? I needed to do that. I need to find her." He muttered, hurt laced into his voice.

As far as they could guess, Emma hadn't been seen for over twelve hours. Sure, her parents had notified the police, but Jacob wasn't holding his breath. She could be anywhere, and naturally he felt it was his responsibility to find her. HE had upset her, and no matter if she'd run away herself or not, he needed to fix it. They needed to talk.

Emily sighed, walking over and placing her hands firmly on his shoulders, pushing him into a chair. "Listen, if you went over there, it would make things worse. Remember that Jason and Belle think that you're the reason she left."

"Because he is," Embry piped up, and when Jacob lifted his head to glare at him, Embry glared back. "Where's your new girlfriend, Jake?" He shot at him, sarcasm and nastiness dripping from his voice. Jacob almost punched him. Sure, he felt guilty, but Embry's constant string of insults since Emma had gone missing was making it worse. He KNEW it was his fault, and that Embry had every reason to be mad - he just wanted Emma found, after all - but Jake couldn't help wanting to punch Embry in the face whenever he piled more blame on him.

"You're not helping," Emily snapped at Embry, who huffed under his breath and dropped his head. "And you," she turned to Jacob. "Calm down, maybe we're over reacting. She probably just needed to get away from it all for a few days." She tried to reason.

"Where the hell would she go?!" Jacob threw his hands up. "Her only family is in forks - her grandparents - and Jason said he already checked for her there. She literally has no where else to run to!" He groaned, and put his head in his hands. "I just need to know she's safe. I need to apologise."

"Damn right you do." Embry muttered, and as Jacob stood up and started to walk towards him, a murderous look in his eyes, Jared got up.

"ENOUGH! Both of you, SHUT UP!" Jared snapped, and the whole room fell silent. "Sam will be back soon, and until then we can try to figure this out. Got that? Everyone is stressing for no damn reason. Like Emily said, maybe she just needed to leave."

For the first time that day, they seemed to be actually thinking properly, instead of arguing. "It just doesn't make sense to me," Quil frowned, looking around at everyone who lifted their heads to look at him. "All this crap that's happened since she got back, she just went home and stayed away, she never actually left. Like Jake said, she has no where to go. And not telling Jason and Belle she was leaving? That's not Emma."

"That's because she didn't leave." Sam told them bluntly as he stepped through the door. Jacobs head snapped up, and the look on Sam's face told them he was hurting.

"What do you mean? Did Jason say something? Did Emma call them?" Embry demanded, standing up.

Sam didn't answer his question for a minute, just walked over to Jacob and set the crumpled piece of paper in front of him on the table. As soon as it was set down, Jacob was hit with Emma's scent, but it wasn't the usual vanilla smell, it made him want to throw up. It only took him seconds to figure out why.

The piece of paper in front of him was a photo he'd seen many times before. It was the photo that had been stuck to Emma's bedroom wall for as long as he could remember. All of them, their little group, where Jake and Emma were only five years old. He would've smiled, except there was something distracting.

As the others crowded around the table to look, Embry jumped back. "I'm gonna be sick." He muttered, turning to walk out the back door.

Jacob was frozen in place. He couldn't move. Marked on the photo in none other than Emma's blood - unmistakeable because of the scent - was a cross over her face. In red ink at the top, in cursive handwriting, the words that were written scent chills down his spine.


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