Chapter 37

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Y/n POV:

I woke up and gasped. I was in a bright room. It had balloons and flowers everywhere.

"Y/n your awake." Ross smiled. "R-Ross hey." I smiled. I couldn't get up quick but I knew he was close.

"How do you feel." Ross asked. I felt my side. I could remember everything now. "The baby is gone." I cried.

"I know the baby is gone." Ross frowned. I sat up and whined in pain. "Slowly don't want to rip your stitches." Ross said worried.

I lifted my shirt and saw the stitches. I looked away in disgust. I was hideous, disgusting.

I know I've dealt with this in the past but this was the worse. The scare could never go away. and the bruise was the size of Jesus.

"Y/n its ok." Ross said. "How I'm never gonna be able to fix this." I cried. "You don't need to fix it." Ross said calmly.

"Look at me I'm hideous." I sniffled. "You may be hideous, but you'll always be beautiful in my eyes." Ross said.

I froze from the sudden compliment. How does he still love me. I killed our child. I'm a murderer.

he looked exhausted. "Get some sleep. You look so tired." I said. "I've been waiting for you to wake up for a while." Ross smiled weakly.

"How long." I asked. "A week or so." Ross sighed. "Its been a week." I gasped. "You lost a lot of blood." He frowned.

"All I remember is falling and seeing Ruby look traumatized." I sighed. Oh god she must be scared.

"I don't really know myself. Ruby doesn't want to talk about it." Ross said. I looked at Ross and how he was this close to me.

"W-Where's your wheel chair." I asked. "I don't need it." Ross shrugged. "But I tried fixing it and couldn't." I frowned.

"I think it was Ruby." Ross said. "I didn't teach her that. Only to cure little things, like birds and baby animals." I said confused.

"I don't think it matters anymore." Ross sighed. I took a deep breath and nodded. Ross yawned and was gonna close his eyes.

"Go sleep on the comfy chair." I smiled. "You sure your gonna be ok alone right here." Ross asked.

"Yeah I'm gonna fall asleep too." I said. "Ok. Wake me if you need anything." Ross yawned again.

He got up and went to the long chair and laid down. Then instantly fell asleep. I laughed a little and was gonna sleep but then the door opened.

Adams head popped in. Its been so long since I've seen him. "Adam." I gasped. "Y/n." Adam said happily.

He ran up and hugged me. "Careful I can't rip my stitches." I smiled. I smiled because I was so happy to see my brother.

"What happened. Ross doesn't want to talk about it, and Ruby doesn't want to talk either." Adam asked.

"I don't remember much of it." I sighed. "I brought some herbs and stuff to help you out." Adam said pointing to a box.

"Thanks." I smiled. I could only remember bits and pieces of what happened. "I should of just let you stay at my place." Adam frowned.

"I let her get to me and I just ran. Something I should have never let her do." I said shaking my head.

"What do you mean got to you again." Adam asked. Crap I forgot he doesn't know about me sneaking out and going to Ross's back then.

"Nothing." I said quickly. "Y/n please tell me. I won't get mad." Adam said sadly. "She kept calling me names." I sighed.

"That's why your in the hospital." Adam said. "No she also kept pushing me and taunting me so I ran into the woods." I said annoyed.

"Y/n don't you know not to over react like that." Adam said. "You could've died." He added.

"Well a part of me did die." I snapped. He froze from me snapping we never really snap at each other.

"The pregnancy I totally forgot." Adam sighed deeply. How could he of forgotten. "I'm sorry there's been so much on my mind lately." He said.

"What about Alesa are you guys ok." I asked. "No." He snapped. Something must of happened.

"What happened." I asked. "She cheated on me and now she wont let me see Mason." Adam sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that."  I frowned. "We were never gonna make it as a couple anyway." Adam said.

"I can see if I could get her to let me take Mason for some ice cream with Ruby one day so you can see him." I suggested.

"No its fine. I don't want to get you in trouble." Adam said shaking his head. I patted his head and smiled.

"Do you remember something's that happened." He asked. "I remember falling and hitting something sharp." I said.

I lifted my shirt a little so he could see the stitches. "What did you hit." He questioned.

"I don't remember. Ruby is the only one who knows what actually happened." I sighed. "She must be so scared of me." I sighed.

"She's at my house. I could bring her later." Adam asked. "That would be great. She needs to know I'm ok." I said.

"I better get back to her." Adam said. "You left her alone at your house." I asked worried. "No Max is there to." Adam said.

"Ok good." I said taking a deep breath. "I'll see you later." Adam said. "Ok." I smiled. He left and I fell asleep.


I was running into the woods and fell. A stick pierced through my side. I gasped in pain.

Stepping back I heard foot steps right behind me. So I turned around and saw Ruby. She screamed in fear.

Wake up:

I gasped for air like it was taken away from me. "Mommy." Ruby cried. She ran at me and jumped on the bed.

Hugging me tight. "Ruby oh thank god your ok." I said wrapping my arms around her.

She started crying and I did to a little. Adam was standing at the door. Ross wasn't in the room.

Maybe he went home to go sleep. "Mommy." Ruby said crying again. It must of scared her so badly.

She felt lighter then she already was. I kissed her head and rubbed her back. "I thought you were dead." Ruby sobbed.

"No, no, no sweetie I'm alive and well." I sniffled softly. "Uncle Adam said you would still be asleep." Ruby sniffled.

I will be ending this book soon. Stay sad but not too sad.

Word Count 1106!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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