Black Widow

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<...> —speaking in Russian
"..." —speaking in English
«...» —speaking in French

(^will be specified in story^)

I am writing this because Marvel still hasn't given us a Black Widow movie. This book will be her origin story leading up to the present day. This book will fit into canon. I will not change any canon.  It will be just like any ole Marvel movie.

What is it about?

Natasha Romanoff's story. It will touch on the Red Room, her relationship with the Winter Soldier, her escape from the Red Room, all the mentioned horrors of her past (the hospital fire, Drakov's daughter, Sao Paolo, Budapest, ect.), how she became a S.H.E.I.L.D. agent, how she got close with Agent Clint Barton, and possibly some bonus chapters of present-day offscreen happenings.


~Rights for the characters, plot, pictures, songs, and words go to the right people. Please enjoy this. Because who doesn't love Natasha Romanoff?
~I do not know much about Russia or Ballet, but I have google and I will do the best that I can.
~I am only fluent in English and French, so if needed, Google Translate will be used and we all know how that works...
~There may be strong violence, mild to strong language, and mild sexual situations
~This story will be about the bad guys if you have a problem with that. If you don't know where the Black Widow came from, well you should read this, but she came from Russia during the 40s-60s. The Red Room was a direct partner with HYDRA. So there will be some disturbing things that happen in this story
~Also, this is loosely based on the comics. It will not be exact, though very close. The book will fit in with the MCU. It will add to the canon, but not change it.
**For example, Natasha, in the comics, was born in 1928, while in the MCU was born in 1984. In this story, she will be born in 1934, for a structural reason. Now, I've promised I won't change MCU canon, so know that it will be elaborated on as to why her birth year is listed as '84, even though I'm going off the fact that it wasn't.
~And finally, I update as I please. I am a very busy woman, but I love writing this and I'll update as often as possible. Right now, I'm doing 1 chapter every four days.
~projected chapter count: 60—80

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