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To invest emotion or feeling in a particular idea , object, or another person


"My first mission was overall very easy. A rookie mission. But this one mission was worth so much more to me than all others combined. It was a mission of revelations. Some of the most important in my life."


Natalia was dressed in an overall stylish dress that fell just below her knees with warming pantyhose and thick-wool lined shoes with brown woolen coat that was as long as her dress and a matching hat, scarf and gloves. Her layer of weapons was not the most comfortable thing, but she did feel safe.

In the purse she was provided, she held several legal documents that pertained to her cover: Dr. Calina Vanko. James was dressed just as warm. A long woolen coat with a scarf, gloves, and hat were worn with it. His thick layer of weapons was well hidden under his business tuxedo. He too, contained a wallet with money and legal documents pertaining to Dr. Albert Vanko.

They were given doctorates in engineering so that they were allowed in the room with Stark and Vanko. They did possess such knowledge, but, of coarse, work in a much more difficult field of work.

And Natalia's hair did possess small enough weapons. It was done in an elegant bun on the back of her head.

Dr. Albert and Dr. Calina Vanko looked like distinguished, outstanding Soviet citizens. And legally they were. In reality they were two weapons with broken souls buried deep inside, probably never to surface.

Natalia felt out of place in regular clothes. She had not worn them in almost two years. But really, they weren't normal. Not with all the weapons stashed in every available place. She was sure James felt the same way.

They sat silently in the back of a moving car that was quick on its way to the Moscow train station in where they'd meet the real Dr. Vanko and begin the enduring trip to the United Kingdom.

They reached the station and were let out of the long, sleek, black car. They were instructed to meet him at the platform where they'd board the private train.

The cold air bit at Natalia's beautiful face, freezing her to the core. Winter in Russia was nothing to take lightly. I wonder if that's where they got the Winter Soldier? she mused to herself.

They made no sound as they walked through the station, making no eye contact with any of the the citizens.

"We cannot seem cold towards each other as we must be in the Red Room. We must play our part. We are two Soviet citizens of high stature who are happily married and off to accompany my brother in his joint mission improve the lives of Russian inhabitants," he told her in a way that made it seem like that were speaking of something happy in their lives.

"Right," she smiled back showing that she had caught on. He smiled lightly and placed his hands on her back, pretending to be her loving husband through the bustling train station.

And in all honesty, she didn't have to act to seem comfortable around him. She had to act to seem cold towards in in front of their superiors.

Soon they reached the boarding platform where Dr. Vanko stood behind two body guards. <Anton! How are you, my brother?> exclaimed James happily as he held out his hand to shake. Anton shook his head and smiled back. <I am good, Albert. Very good. And how are you and the wife?>

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