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the stat of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried


"i'll survive. somehow, i always do."


Natalia raised her finger over her lip back toward the men she was leading. It was dark and the sewers were wet and humid. They were so hot in the summer also. And it didn't help that it was raining, so the water was rising rapidly.

But Natalia knew this. She was trained to plan operations perfectly, for just as it started raining, they were in under the spillway. Even though the water was flowing at full force, they should be able to force themselves through.

Any guard at this moment, wouldn't think to watch the spillway because of the rain and flowing water. Perfect for Natalia and her men.

:Kahananui,: she spoke up in the German language. The more skilled and leadership infused employed Soldier stepped forward.

"Please, Widow," Kahananui said in his deep, masculine voice. He was flirting... again. "Call me Zac."

:Captain Kahananui, use German in from of the men.:

He flashed a smile. ⚬What if we just use Hawaiian?⚬ he asked gruffly, taking a step towards Natalia to where he was looking over her.

A slight smile tugged at the corner of her lip. ⚬And why is that?⚬

He let his head fall back in excitement and wrung his hands together like a little girl. "Oh my god. You are so special and amazing!" But then he calmed down instantly and put his "sexy" mask back on. ⚬Because I'm really tempted to get you, by the end of the day, to talk dirty to me,⚬ he revealed.

Natalia scoffed as she handed him a harness. ⚬Something you'll learn quickly is that, around here, I will always be in the lead. And if I want you to talk dirty to me tonight, then you will. But I assure you, it will not be the other way around.⚬

He gave a throaty, goofy cackle. "Hot."

She rolled her eyes and smirked at him.

Natalia couldn't help but let him be the way he was. She certainly wouldn't fall for the guy, but he was nearly six and a half feet tall. 'Hot,' to use an expression that he constantly utilized.

He was American, technically, but that was because he was from the Hawaii Islands. His hair was bleached a light brown where the sun beat it. His eyes were a pale grey and he had a nasty scar running over his left eye. He was absolutely huge. If she had know them at the time, she would have love to introduce Captain America and Thor to this guy. He was much bigger than the two large men.

He wore fingerless gloves and combat boots for the climb and compartmentalized pants that held as much gear as Natalia had herself. Maybe more. He didn't wear a shirt because of the water. His muscles looked nearly inhuman and he had navy tattoos all over his shoulders and pecs.

He was, honestly, scary as hell on the surface, but he was actually really fun and hilarous. A very badass guy. He had a wild smile that showed his contagious confidence. He was extraordinarily hot and if he wanted to flirt then so be it.

It's not like she'd ever run away with him, but a little action with a guy like this never hurt.

:All of you have them.: she said, referring to the harness she had given Kahananui. :Give yours to the man that comes up after you. The spiral of rope should stay on your belt so the next man can be pulled through.:

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