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causing harm or damage


"It's hard to believe the God of Mischief didn't get inside my head during his genocidal mania. I'm just best at using things to my advantage. This is why it got to me."


Slowly, Natalia felt herself regaining consciousness. Everything was hazy. Her hands were tied behind her back with a pole between her hands. She was sat uncomfortably on knees also, as her ankles were also bound together. She was practically tied like a boar for gutting.

As she realized her condition, she felt like there was not enough oxygen in circulation, so she took a deep breath as she opened her eyes in a flutter.

The room she was in, she had never seen before. She had never seen anything like it. The walls were made of green, yellow, and blue painted titanium. The room was small. The single pole in the center of the room was all the accessory it had. This room was obviously designed for simple torture.

Natalia let her head hang from the lack of oxygen and ringing in her ears. She would be adjusted in a few moments. The fact she was in the place she had never seen gave her hope she wasn't with the Red Room even though her mind knew her heart was lying to her.

A low pitched alarm gave a single scream and she heard the door in front of her began to clink and clank as it unlocked for someone to enter.

The heavy door screamed as it was being pushed open. Natalia looked up to see who was entering. She almost felt a wave of relief after when she saw five metal fingers that were exerting just enough force to create an opening for himself. But then she remembered. Everything suddenly began to food back into memory. James was gone. That metal arm was attached to a threat. Not her love.

The Winter Soldier entered and stood aside from the door against the wall, leaving it open for another to enter.

Madame B.

Her heels clicked against the bloodstained concrete floor as she entered with her chin up and hands held daintily behind her back. She wore a disgusting scowl on her otherwise pretty face.

"How dare you," she sneered. "How dare you just up and leave like that. After all we've done for you."

Natalia said nothing. She kept her head down and tried her best not to let her anger explode. It would do her no good.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, you mewling girl!"

James took a large step towards her and grabbed a fistful of her falsely blonde hair and slammed it violently onto the pole, forcing Natalia's head up. She grunted in pain, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Open your eyes!" she ordered, as The Winter Soldier slapped her across the face with his metal arm, immediately forcing a purple bruise on her check bone. "You deserve every ounce of pain that with be inflicted upon you today."

The Winter Soldier then kneed her in the chest, causing her to double over in pain, losing her breath. The pain was too much. The pain of knowing, witnessing, and experiencing what they've done with James. The only person she's trusted in four years is now inflicting torture upon her under Madame B's say. It hurt her even more that she could be mad at him. It wasn't James. And it made her the most mad to see that they've done this to him. When—if he comes back and sees that his done this. It would be too much for her to handle.

It hurt her so badly. The physical pain was nothing to the emotional pain. She couldn't hold back her tears as they began to fall from her eyes over her bruised cheeks. They should have moved. They should have never stayed there for so long. They both knew it. But it was Natalia who insisted they stay longer when they already worn out their welcome. This is her fault. It's all her fault.

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