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the fear of emotional attachment; the fear of being in or falling in love


"After seeing the things I have seen, it is terrifying to face emotions. So much so that I have nearly blocked them out completely. Sadly, this long ago, I did not have this talent."


"Today is the day the Winter Soldier will choose his partner for the Rookie Mission and beginning preparations. Therefore there will be no combat training at all today and the rest of the month of December," Madame B announced to the girls lined up single file in front of her. "Now for the Soldier to speak," she said stepping aside, James stepping forward.

"I have been observing you all for the entire year and a half in training. I do not want to take anyone who couldn't size up to the task. I have decided the woman worthy and skilled enough is Natalia Romanova."

Natalia honestly wasn't surprised. She was sure James was going to choose her. He had said over and over again that she was that only one who truly had what it took to be the Black Widow. She was excited to go on her first mission. Even though it was only a rookie mission (easily carried out), she couldn't wait to finally get a feel of her job. She was also excited to be with James away from the jurisdiction Colonel Luchkov and Doctor Zola.

"Good," said Madame, clasping her hands together. "It is decided. Romanova, follow the Soldier. Romanova's group of girls split up between Dominica and Darya's groups."

Natalia watched as James began to walk out of the training room and into the hallway. She followed him excitedly, happy to get away from Madame B.

"James," she whispered in attempt to slow him down in order to catch up.

He turned to a metal facilitated door and opened it quickly without a sound. An act that used to amaze Natalia. But now James isn't the only one who could saunter silently across gravel.

She followed him in and saw that it was simply a small facility room, a large table with various items laid out across it.

There were passports, IDs, clothes—from two black espionage suits to evening gown and tuxedo, and many different types of weapons.

"If you look up here, Nat, you'll see Soviet engineer, Dr. Anton Vanko," James said pointing at a cork board where a picture of a young man was posted.

"Is this assassination?" Natalia asked, a bit too excited. James picked up on it and chuckled.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. We are only going to escort him to the United Kingdom where he will collaborate with Weapons manufacturer Howard Stark. We will be there to make sure he doesn't get assassinated. Howard Stark is a bleeding American. The first billionaire in the world. He could pay any kind of money to have our engineer killed."

"Are we going to escort him as bodyguards or—"

"No. That would be begging for an assassination attempt. We are going as his brother and sister in law."

"Alright," she said thoughtfully, imagining the mission.

"Here are our IDs and passports. Albert and Calina Vanko," he said gesturing to the legal peices of paper. "We will meet in Moscow then take a train one way to London. The trip will be about three days. We will be there to ensure the safety of Vanko on the train. Our arrival in London should be on about December fifteenth. We will stick with Vanko when he meets Stark in the Calvary Barracks of London. 12 men will be provided at Calvary. They will all be disguised as staff members. Only we will follow him to his hotel. He will have to attend a gala in celebration of Christmas and the collaboration of great minds on the 25th. That will be our last night there and we will do just what we did at the beginning only in reverse," he debriefed, packing their personal items and clothes in one bags and all weapons and espionage equipment in the other.

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