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"broken girls blossom into warriors."



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Screams and gunshots echoed throughout the city. Silhouettes of soldiers setting fire to the buildings could be seen through the smoke and fire. Soldiers were killing or capturing anyone and everyone they could find. It was anarchy. And all the civilians could do was wait until Soviet troops arrived.

In the second story of an extravagant, almost—and possibly royal—home, a child had been born. The babe was innocent, untouched by the horrors of mankind. So opposite to what she would turn out to be. The mother, held the small child close to her breast, saying her solomn goodbyes and hopeful prayers for her daughter.

The mother knew what was coming. Germany had finally made their way into the Soviet Union. It was a surprise attack. There were no troops stationed here in Stalingrad. No one to protect her in this time of crisis. Her husband was busy blockading the house. But his attempts were futile. Instead of breaking in and killing, they decided to burn.

As the smoke filled the room and the life drained away from the sweet mother, the baby grew more and more in danger. The panicked midwife looked out the bedroom window to see that the Nazi soldiers had moved on and Soviet troops had arrived. She wrapped the new child in sheets and, even though on the brink of death from the smoke, took the girl tight in her arms and raced down the stairs into the open flames and out the door.

She ran to the closest soldier and forced the tiny baby into his arms, desperate for her saftey. Then, before her life left her body, she wheezed:

<Take care of her. She will do great things. Save Natalia Alianovna Romanova.>


<Here we are, Natalia. You are nearly a woman. And a brilliant woman at that,> Ivan told Natalia, taking her small, soft hands in his large, rough ones. The two stood in front of a grand building of intricate design and flawless landscaping. One of the most prestigious ballet academies in all Russia. Both Ivan and Natalia knew she would find herself here. She was one of the most acclaimed athletes of her age and she had trained so many long hours for it. <Tell me. Why are we here?>

Ivan was a very large man. Tall and roughly built. His dark hair was beginning to gray, though the thick mustache on his upper lip remained strong. Even though he was hard, his eyes were soft. He was a very compassionate man, while many did not know this.

Natalia was quite the opposite. She was only compassionate for those who earned her compassion. Her striking red hair intimidated the strongest of men even though it rested on the crown of a petite, beautiful young girl. She had never been a very positive person. Her way of thinking was quick, efficient, and determined. And it showed on her face. She didn't hope for the best. She scanned possible outcomes, rating them least to most likely to happen and planned her actions for the latter.

The way she has been programmed, whether she knew it or not.

<I am here to become the greatest ballerina that there ever was,> she responded. Ivan nodded.

<Correct. You will be the best Natalia,> he said, obviously sure of himself.

<I will become the best,> she repeated to herself.

<I want you to focus on this, Natalia.> I Ivan's eyes scanned the area nervously. <You are here for ballet only. When someone asked you about the Black Widow, I want you to say no. Can you do that?>

She nodded, not bothering to question why. <Thank you, Ivan,> Natalia responded after a few moments of sorrowful silence.

<Yet, you must not let on that I have said that, Natalia. I have raised you since you were a baby. And though it up is unofficial, you are my daughter, and I love you as such,> Ivan told Natalia.

<And you are my father, Ivan. If it weren't for you, we would not be standing here.>

He smiled, sad for his daughter and planted a soft kiss of farewell on her pale cheek.

<Goodbye Natalia. Perhaps our paths will cross again,> he said as if he knew they would, letting go of her hand. Natalia watched him descend down the stone path, leading him out of her life forever. She sniffed back a tear and turned to face the grand mahogany door with the intent for it to lead to her new life. And it would. In the least way she expected it.

 In the least way she expected it

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