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extremely unpleasant; repulsive


"This is one of two missions that haunt me to the core. The fact I know I can do that makes me afraid of myself. It was one of the main reasons why I wouldn't let anyone get personal with me when I thought I joined the right side."


Natalia had been effortlessly gaining the favor of Draykov and his youg child, Tatiana. The man was much too confident in his work. He was sure the government wouldn't catch him. She knew enough about all the refugees. She was surprised by a lot of them. She expected poor, helpless souls, but there were many middle and high class Russian citizens here at this "safe house."

She had also taken care of them. They were to leave New Years Day on a barge. But the buses that are supposed to take them to that barge will be taking them all to the Gulag. Natalia will take care of the Draykovs.

She had actually been following Draykov along as he picked up all his refugees and organized the ride out of Russia. Natalia's job for his was to care for his child who was much too young to be carried around this much.

But as true as it was that the Black Widow can't and won't ever have any children of her own, she was taught childcare of all ages of children. How could you be a woman spy if the most common sort of woman was a mother? Natalia remembered that as a fun month of learning. The Winter Soldier knew a lot of intimate childcare techniques that weren't by the textbooks. Almost like he had raised children.

But Natalia did decide she liked children. She knew the poor bay still required its mother, but she tried her best. It was really too bad that she had to kill Tatiana.

But today was the day. January 1. 1953.

<You can ride with us, Catalina,> Draykov told Natalia, using her false name. She had him exactly where she wanted him.

<Of course, Vladimir,> Natalia agreed as she pulled Tatiana's blankets closer to her. The baby was in a sling sort of contraption so that Tatiana was still being held by Natalia, but he bands were free.

They watched as the last group of people was ushered into the bus.

<Aren't you so thankful that all these people are saved?> he asked.

Natalia smiled. <Oh yes. You are an amazing man.> She turned to the young man of thirty. <Not just anyone would stand up to the monsters we call our rulers.>

She had him entranced. She was a siren. She looked like every mans dream. She was saying everything he wanted to hear. She was doing everything he could ever want at the moment. And the closer he leaned into her pink, beckoning lips, the closer he was to the jagged rocks.

<You have been so much to me in the stressful time,> he said as he snaked his hand around Natalia's waist.

Natalia grabbed him by his belt and pulled the American "savior" closer to her. <I can be more, you know,> she whispered seductively into Draykov's ear. She placed a tiny nibble on his ear lobe. <I can be anything you want me to be.>

And it was then that she knew she had him. He was going full speed to the the pointed rocks. He was caught in Black Widow's deathly web.

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