
538 31 17

deeply, yet romantically melancholy


"Besides killed and cheating people, the only thing I was ever good at was dancing. I still love it to this day."


Natalia knew she needed to leave America. D.C. at the least. She knew that with all the headquaters spead out across the U.S., there was no way to stay. Seeing Pym walk up the stairs to greet Stark assured her all to well.

The first thing she had to do was create a new cover. she needed to exist legally. There are no documents of the birth of Natalia Romanova. If there were, they would for sure have wanted written in red across all of them. It wasn't hard to find someone to create a fake ID for her.

She could easily pass as an underage teenager yearned for a way to get into a club. There was no way that the ID maker would guess that she was a ruthless KGB spy. She now owned the name, Alexis James, 21 years old and from Chambery, France. She felt good about her cover.

She barely even recognized herself in black hair. she rembered her blonde hair, she may have been too similar to her red. The bangs were also a big help. alot of her face was always cover and there was no reason to wear sunglasses so very often.

She paid for plane ticket and boarded a plane to Paris. She rembered how great she had it when she work for Hydra. Her cover would have no holes. She got her own bank account, a birt certificate, andf ID, and whatever education recognitions she may have needed for the job. Now she had to live on her fake ID and stolen cash. It wasn't the the most desirable way to buy a plane ticket, but thats was just the way it was.

She knew she could get access to one of her covers, but if she withdrew money from any of those accounts, she would automatically be recongnized by Russia. Upon arriving in Paris, she hurried to a clothing store and bought a small wardrobe that would better help her fit into the City of Lights. Her next action need to be be finding a sufficient place to live.

It didnt have to be much. Just some place she could sleep and shower. A hotel was out of the question, since security cameras were mainstream now in 1986. She need to find an apartment building that is behind the curve. It not like she could be afraid of criminals. She was a criminal. One that was far more dangerous than any petty robber or murderer.

She looked for one for the rest of the day and on into the night before she decided it was too strange to be wandering the streets at this late in the night. For that reason, she found herself at a local bar to drink the rest of the night away. Natalia would sleep on a park bench or something, burt she knew that it was dangerous to do so. What if they took her in her sleep?

She positioned herself on a stool, where you would normally find a man after a hard day. But Natalia knew she had been through far more than any man having petty drama in the office.

It was hard for her to get drunk. She knew this from the few moths she spent with James when they were somewhat settled in London. They never had too much to do, because if they made thereselves known, thye would have been found much earlier. So they found themselves tying to drink away to pain, only to find that neither of them could get drunk.

Then it became a compition. Drinking games. BInge drinking. Anything that may possobly get them a bit tipsy. And after and entire day and a night of drinking, Natalia found that she had won only by a bit. There was no way that she would sit here anfd invest that much time and money as she and James had that day, only to get a little drunk.

BUt she did find herself lost in her sorrows. The drinking day had been a very fun time, she rembered. It almost made her heart flutter. But then she remebered where they were now. What had happed to them. What had happened between them. She missed haveing someone to talk to. She missed having someone to smile with. To cry with.

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