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the sense that the future is approaching too quickly


"Even though that they were all for the wrong people, my favorite mission were the ones I experienced with James. I wish things could have ended differently."


<Good job, agents,> Colonel Luchov complimented. <No time to rest, however. The Soldier has his own priorities—and so do you.>

Luchov gave the Winter Soldier a sort of death glare. James straightened up even more—if that were possible. <Ready to comply, Colonel,> he spoke in a mechanical voice.

<Infiltration and Extraction,> he said, handing Natalia a heavy file. <You know what to do.>

James and Natalia delivered slight bows to the Russian Colonel and exited the room.

Natalia placed the file down on a conference room table, and James picked it up.

"Looks like we're going to Germany," he said as he flipped through it.

"So what are we extracting?" Natalia asked.

"Rescue mission, basically. The file doesn't give us his name. Only a picture and physical description. Where we might find him."

"I suppose we're not important enough to know such top secret things," Natalia said sarcastically with an acclimated smile.

"I guess not," he said, reading over the papers. "And as far as infiltration goes, we're breaking into a top guarded and heavily armed experimental prison on the outskirts. Not too easy. We'll definitely have our combat skills put to the test."

Natalia was listing to him, of course, but her head was buzzing so loudly with the notion of escape. Could the things James be saying be true? About the evils of Hydra. The Red Room. Russia? She wanted to say something, but ultimately she held it. Not just yet. He handed her the file.

"We've got to scope out the area. Find all possible entrances and exits. Get the floor plan. They want us to blow the place when we leave, leave behind no evidence that it was us. Any one who sees us dies. This is going to be difficult," he said as he slammed a box onto the table and began loading it with extra supplies, ammunition, and weapons. "This along with our stealth suit's tech should be enough. Make sure you have all your gear on. We are heading out."

As Natalia read over the mission brief, she saw something that truly did intimidate her. She looked up at James, eyes wide.

"He's scheduled to be executed it three days."

"That's why we've got to hurry," he told her, putting on the lay of his gear. "There's a jet waiting at the docks for us."

And with no more words, they departed to the jet and a took off for Germany.

Since their mission in London, she couldn't get the idea out of her head that there might actually be a God and a Heaven. And that she could be forgiven and someday be there.
She wanted to believe it. So badly she wanted to believe it. But every time, her mind would remind that nothing it that good. It was simply too good to be true.

Natalia yearned to speak about the possibility of escape. But she also wanted to know what happens to James. She knew she could use this to find out. And she was going to.

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