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hanging by a single thread


"It's funny that America was Russia's greatest enemy, yet they couldn't send either of their best mission operatives onto that land or else they would be lost. It was Russia's fault for sending me."


Natalia had been taught to use a plane, but over the years, she hadn't done too many solo missions like this one. She always had a few men to lead and give roles, including flying the jets. She had never been to fond of manning the pilot seat herself.

Natalia loaded everything she could possibly need into the one manned jet. She didn't bother sleeping, knowing she could do it in the plane ride. It will save time. She knew that once she was in America, sleep would be no option.

She was ready for this mission. This would probably be them most important kill operation of her life. It's not everyday that you get the chance to kill Agent Peggy Carter, Howard Stark's son (or Howard Stark for that matter), and Agent Hank Pym. She almost requested help from the other asset, who Karpov had wanted to assign in the first place, but Natalia knew that for some reason, the Colonel did not want the two of them working together. And she knew that if she invested all of herself, she could carry this one out.

She also knew that investing all of herself could very well mean death. But for this, she was willing to die. She boarded her jet and sped off, an hour passing before she was finally over that Atlantic. Then it would be even longer.

Soon, Natalia landed in a grassy, secluded area of North Carolina and adopted a common look and rented a car under the name Cassandra Knolls. She then drove up to Washington D.C.. It will be hours before Hank Pym arrived. He had a home in Maryland. Thats where he'd be first.

That's when Natalia decided to visit D.C.. She may be a Soviet, but why wouldn't someone want to tour a beauty of the world? A very important place. A lot of major international politics happenings occurred there.

She found herself strolling around Capital Hill, looking at all the buildings. All the manipulation she could do there. Congressmen were always weak. So is the leader if he needs congressmen. A strong leader can make decisions on his own.

Then she passed the White House. President Ronald Reagan. One of the biggest threats to the Soviet Union. She had just called him weak, but this man did have some hair on his chest. He had already foiled Russia's nuclear attempts on America that Natalia had orchestrated perfectly.

She just stared at the looming White House. She daydreamed about how very easy it will be to end his presidency here and now. But that wasn't the mission. It wasn't her duty to kill Reagan.

Soon, she found herself in the Smithsonian Museum. She found herself in the zoology exhibit where she was amazed by all the animals she could see. She hadn't come into contact with too many animals. She was never in the wilderness long enough to. She sort of longed to visit a live animal zoo to see all these animal walking around, living, and breathing. The art exhibits were interesting.

She passed a lot of internationally famous paintings. Then the aviation exhibits. There was much written about the Americans who invented flight. The wars and which planes were used in them. She only had time to look at one one more. She decided, just for the fun of it to visit the Museum of American history. The American Revolution had always been a great story to tell, even in Russia. It was amazing. A miracle. But they stood for such strange things.

The civil war made Natalia scoff. No explanation there. Just a bunch of children with guns. She read about plantations and such. The industrial revolution. But she was curious when she entered the World War Two exhibit. If it weren't for Nazi's, Natalia knew she'd have grown up with her parents and would probably still have a family of her own. She would not be associated with the Red Room.

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