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the quality or state of being tranquil; calm


"it seems there is always one last person to be saved."


"Black Widow!" Nick Fury greeted loudly , as he walked into the interrogation room that Natalia was chained up in. The thick, steel door slid shut with a loud thud behind him. The black leather clad man, took a few steps forward before stopping to await her response.

She remained silent, not quite knowing how to answer. Her hands were cuffed to the table as was each finger. They didn't have much of an idea what she was capable of, but better safe than sorry. Fury went ahead and continued to speak when Natalia didn't respond.

"First things fist," he said, sliding the metal chair across from away from the table and taking a seat. "Why shouldn't I have you killed right here, right now?"

Natalia eyed the man. She tried to read him, but she couldn't. He seemed to be just a good a spy as she was. She found no way to tell him what he wanted to hear, she she just told him the truth.

"You need my skills. You've seen what this world is capable of. And you can't defend. Your guns aren't big enough," Natalia answered, looking around the empty room. It was all grey and bleak, except for the mirror that Natalia knew was a two way. Itsurprised her that there was no security camera. There was probably one behind the mirror. "And I'm willing to give."

Nick Fury looked at her funny. "And you're saying that your guns are big enough?"

Natalia scoffed, shaking her head. "Hell no," she looked him in the eye, rack hard and stone cold. "I'm saying that it's a start."

"What if I make you use these skills for us?" he asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

Natalia shrugged and did the same. She would have crossed her legs, but they happened to be j the same predicament as her arms. "Then you'd be no different from Hydra and my suspicions would have been confirmed."

Fury pursed his lips in disappointment. "You could escaped back there. In Budapest."

Annoyance appeared on Natalia's face. "I didn't," she said. But before she could finish the last word, Fury boomed, "Why?"

She shrugged. "I was curious to see what you would do with me."

The director chuckled. "So you could get out." It was more of a statement rather than a question.

Then the famous Black Widow smirk appeared on her blood stained lips. "I don't know, Director. But I'm not going to kill blindly for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Were you under Hydra control when you made nineteen counts of genocide?" Fury asked. He put his elbows on the table and leaned forward. "I don't know if you know this, Romanova, but what you did, legally, is called terrorism. Not liberation. Do you know how the US deals with terrorists?"

Natalia grew angry from the man's threat. "No, director, I don't," she popped.

He stood up straight. "And you don't have to."

Natalia was visibly confused. She didn't care that it showed. "If you pledge your abilities to us."

Natalia knew immediately that she didn't want to give herslelf away again. She knew she could lead a normal life, but she certainly wasn't going to live the way she had loved with the KGB. She wasn't going to have them control what she ate and when she went to bed.

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