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to leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft


"Escaping that first time. It was horrific, yet freeing. It was erotic. If I had it to do over, i would have only done it earlier."


<You know the plan?> asked Natalia as she dissembled and disarmed their weapons.

"This next mission, we'll just disappear. No matter what it takes, we will disappear off the grid and hopefully no one will ever find us."

<Pretty much,> she said, emotion vacant from her words as she strutted out the room, James following close behind.

"High odds, eh?" he mused sarcastically. Natalia scoffed.

<Yeah we'll living the American Dream within a month,> she sad scornfully.

"Lets just hope the mission location is convenient," he said, the two of them nearing the end of the hall leading to Natalia's resting quarters.

"Is anything ever convenient for us?"

"Nope," James said, holding opening the door for her. She entered the room and James shut it behind her disappearing where he was required to return.

<Your mission will remain here in the Soviet Union,> Luchov informed the two assassins who now sat in front of him in a mostly empty conference room. James and Natalia gave each other an annoyed look. No convenience. <We are calling it the the Great Purge. There are dangerous people here in our own home. People who pose a threat to the safety and stability of Mother Russia. We want to limit the possibility of then doing so.

<We want the two of you to oversee this operation,> he told them. He place a thicker than usual file on the table. <You have as long as you need.>

Natalia raised a suspicious eyebrow. <What do you mean by "limit the possibility">

Luchov smiled. <Do what you think is best. Do what you do best. And if that is too much or not enough, there is always the option of handing them over to the Gulag.>

<Why would we have Sergei Kirov assassinated? He is faithful to the communist party,> James said, interrupting Natalia and Luchov. He had the file opened in his hands.

<Do not question your handler or your mission, you mindless muscle!> Luchov growled, standing up and leaning over the table. James stiffed and leaned back.

Luchov sighed and lowered himself back into his chair. <You best watch yourself, Soldier. Or you'll be back on the chair and in the ice sooner than you think.>

Natalia hid her disgust and turned back to Luchov. <We are ready. Anything you'd like to add?>

<You'll need men, the two of you will. This mission will not be accomplished by two.>

<We will contact you when they are needed,> she said, standing up, signifying that the conversation was over.

<I'd like to give you some advice,> he called after her. Natalia turned around to hear him out.

<You send three men to do a sniper's job. One to do the job. One to kill him if he fails. The third to finish the mission. You two can work on the ground or oversee. It is up to you. You've earned it.>

<Thank you Colonel Luchov,> she turned around, following James out of the room and back into the weapon arsenal.

Anger and impatience radiated off James. Natalia could feels the bad vibes coming from him. She wasn't worried though. She figured James would react this way. She could see the reasoning behind this "Purge". It's smart. The only way Stalin could stay in office. Kirov was the best move to start it off with. He had got a lot of the communist party on his side.

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