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"I was so blinded. We all were. Everyone who had ever been associated with the woman. Even the country of Russia. No one knew the true, terrifying evil of Madame B. She wasn't a partner of Hydra. She was part of Hydra. But all the more evil. No one who ever lived was as evil as she. None of the villains we, the Avengers had faced were ever as evil. More powerful perhaps. But never as evil as Madame B. Not Loki. Not Ultron. Not even Thanos. She prayed for the downfall of everyone but her."


"Are you ready for your first solo mission, Black Widow?" Madame B asked her first Red Room graduate as she stepped out of the car that carried them from the Bolshoi to the place of Russian Military Interest in Moscow.

"Always ready, Madame," Natalia answered as she followed Madame B into the building. The cold was horrible. Natalia didn't seem to be as used to it as she usually was. She had no clue as to why. When she woke up after her mission, she remembered that the spring had came, but apparently, she was wrong.

What had happened was that the air around the experimental facility had been, actually, experimented on in order to make sure some of the thing in the building was kept at the temperature it needed to be.

Or at least that is what Natalia was told. She had bo way to know otherwise.

Natalia followed her nearly lifelong teacher into a conference room where the elder Colonel Luchov stood arms crossed and ready with the familiar yellow file in his sun spotted and vein protruding hand.

"Black Widow!" he greeted with a cold smile of old, yellow teeth that Natalia didn't even know to notice. "How was your recovery, Agent?"

Natalia began to speak, but was cut off by the concealed evil she saw as a mentor. "She's more ready that ever, Colonel."

"Good," he said with a nod. Then he turned to Natalia, holding out the file. "Because you, my dear,  are about to fix a big problem."

"Problem?" asked Natalia taking the stack of papers in her hand.

"You know who Vladimir Draykov is, correct?" he asked the young spy as his eyebrow raised involuntarily and folded his military dressed arms over his chest.

Natalia nodded slowly as she opened the file. "Head of weapons manufacturing and distribution of the Soviet Union. What's the problem?"

"Hes a traitor. He's resigned his position and disappeared. Last we heard, he's gathering people to immigrate from here to America with the majority of the Soviet Military secrets."

"We can't afford him or any of his immigrants leaving the country," Madame B added stiffly. They must all be dealt with.

"So what exactly do you want me to do?" asked
Natalia as she flipped through the file.

"We want you to find him and figure out how many people there are, what they know, if any information has gotten the America, and after all is found, dispose of him," Luchov revealed.

"And what about the people? The immigration groups," Natalia asked, not so sure about the entire situation.

"Once you gather the information from Draykov, we'll have our lower military forces gather them all up and we will send them to the Gulag Labor Camps. They'll do better there than dead, since there are so many of them."

Natalia nodded, placing the file under her arm. "Should be easy enough. Thank you, Madame, Colonel. When do I start? What is my time limit?"

"You may gather all the gear you need and take whatever vehicle you deem necessary," Madame B told her in a stern voice that Natalia didn't really care for.

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